These Are The Top Ten Most Downloaded Songs In Kenya
The music industry is in a perpetual state of vicious competition and the best thing about this is that it means that it is constantly evolving -or rather our musicians are. They have to so that they remain relevant. And this week, I have the privilege to announce the best performing artists in Kenya in terms of downloads.
And the ten hottest songs this week in terms of downloads are:
1. Okoa Jahazi – Super Concaves
2. KooKoo – Elani
3.Uliza Kiatu – H_art The Band (Penya Africa)
4.Barua – Bahati
5. Natoka Tanzania – Nikki Mbishi
6. Tosheka – MOG
7. Mi Sijui – Panishit (NEW!!!)
8. Wanasema Kwamba Hiphop Hailipi – Malle (NEW!!!)
9. Kereka – DK Kwenye Beat
10. Baridi feat. Nyota Ndogo – Amoury Bey By(NEW!!!)