“These Are The Men That The Office Of The President Sent To Kill Me…” Boniface Mwangi Sensationally Reveals A Shocking Account Of His Risky Life.

Boniface Mwangi is Kenya’s MOST popular,powerful,influential,renown and celebrated activist. Did I just say celebrated?? Well,the celebrations don’t quite cut across the whole Kenyan populace. He is also one of Kenya’s MOST vilified men ever!

He is the male version of the iconic environmentalist Wangari Maathai…One of Africa’s Greatest Women. And the latter day version of the mythical Wangu wa Makeri. Wangari traversed where Angels dared NOT venture. She was bold,tenacious,driven,gallant,dauntless and unbowed. So is Boniface Mwangi…the small kid with a heart of a lion and the passion of a King.

But its not easy being Boniface Mwangi. His is a life filled with multitudinous threats and attempts on his very vulnerable life. And to properly give You a clear picture of what exactly it is to be Boniface Mwangi in a country full of tribalists,sycophants,snakes and nefarious murderers,Boniface just published a gripping account of the devious schemes “The Office Of The President” allegedly pulled to silence him,harm him,kill or vanquish him for ever.

Below is the story drawn directly from his Facebook Page. It must be a tough life being Boniface Mwangi. Poor kid.

My name is Boniface Mwangi and I am an activist and a patriot. I say patriot, because I think it’s important for people to remember why activists do the things they do. We agitate because we love our country and because we want it to be a better place for everyone who lives in it.

I have been threatened many times since l became an activist; harassing phone calls from politicians, emissaries sent to me, police visiting my office and even comments on social media urging that l should be killed. My relatives tell me that l’m ridiculed on Kikuyu vernacular stations because every time l protest, the radio commentators go ballistic, accusing me of betraying my community.

On two occasions, the threats against my life have been higher; in the lead up to the last election in 2013, given the bold content we ran on our website www.mavulture.com; and again in early 2014 just before the 13 February State of the Nation protest – a demonstration on insecurity and poverty as Kenya marked its 50th anniversary since the founding of this nation.

Earlier this year, l quit activism after l was accused of being involved in a plot to overthrow the government after staging the ‘State of the Nation’ protest. I learnt through back channels that there were plans by people within the government to harm me, so l quit.

I quit because I knew that every time an activist or a politician is killed in this country, the state first maligns him or her, creates doubt around their reputation, and then kills them. The assassination of Oscar King’ara and GPO Oulu State House road came after being accused of being members of the dreaded Mungiki gang by current Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua. A few hours later they were assassinated by the state.

The latest threats against me followed last week’s Occupy Harambee Avenue protest. This protest was spurred by the Mandera terror bus attack on Saturday, 23rd November in which 28 people were shot at point-blank range by Al Shabaab militants. 24 hours after the attack, there was no word from president who was in Abu Dhabi at the time. By Sunday afternoon Kenyans On Twitter (KOT) had decided to Occupy Harambee Avenue, which I assisted in coordinating.

To read the rest of the harrowing story and learn of how,according to him,The State tried to harm and silence Boniface,Click HERE.

Am speechless…But Hey,Aluta Continua!

About this writer:

Cabu Gah