The Trend Panelist Who Was Rushed To Hospital After Her Lungs Collapsed Picks War With Twitter Bigwig From Her Hospital Bed After He Did This To Her

She was insulted by his words and she couldn’t wait till she fully recuperates to fire back at her aggressor!

The Trend panelist, Njambi Koikai, was days ago rushed to Nairobi Hospital after she suffered an acute case of Pneumothorax that made her lungs collapse.

Also Read: The Trend’s Panelist Njambi Koikai Wheeled into Surgery after Her Lung Collapses

Even though she’s still at the hospital recovering, Njambi is well too informed with what’s happening round entertainment scene.

The radio personality who also doubles up as a reggae artist was irked by Cyprian Nyakundi’s article that bashed Kenyan DJs which was published on Wednesday 17th February on his site.

“Kenya, The Land Of Bullshit Deejays, Why Only GMoney & Stylez Make The Cut.” Nyakundi titled his article.

Nyakundi ruthlessly mauled all Kenyan DJs saying GMoney and DJ Stylez were the only ones whom he recognized as dope mix masters.

Nyakundi’s opinion piece rubbed Njambi the wrong way and she decided to hit back at Twitter bigwig from her hospital bed.

Below is Njambi’s response to Nyaks:

I have just come across this. Firstly it’s REGGAE!!! Secondly pathetic writing. Thirdly you know nothing about REGGAE and deejaying or better yet lemmi school you…in REGGAE it’s selecting not deejaying. So unresearched. I’m a fighter and defender of REGGAE before you write deep crap like this, research. Atleast that’s what journalism dictates. You have no business comparing deejays. Gmoney is different and brought his own game, so was Styles. So is Adrian and Pinye. What your focal point should have been is how technology has affected or improved the art of deejaying. Jaribu kuingilia REGGAE tena even from my sick bed my friend utatii. Inform yourself and gain knowledge before shallow writing like this.


About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere