The Trend Panelist Explains How Extremely Painful Period Cramps Caused Her Lungs To Collapse
She lost her job, her grandma who brought her up got sick, she was diagnosed with a strange disease…things can’t any worse for the trend panelist.
Njambi Koikai was rushed to Nairobi hospital late February after her lungs collapsed.
Also Read: The Trend’s Panelist Njambi Koikai Wheeled into Surgery after Her Lung Collapses
Njambi today explained she was diagnosed with endometriosis, a condition brought about by extremely painful period cramps.
She explains the condition can move to different organs in the body and damage them; hers moved to the diaphragm and punctured it causing her lungs to collapse.
Njambi explains endometriosis can also spark other conditions such as infertility and cervical cancer. She urges women to get checked up in order to avoid these conditions.
“The weight loss is real but I’m doing m best to eat as much as I can. Just done an interview for the health segment on one of our dailies. Well it’s International Women’s Day…I suffer from extremely painful period cramps which is a condition known as endometriosis. Now this endometriosis is dangerous. Especially in our 30’s…it moves to different organs of your body. Mine moved to my diaphragm and punctured it and then to my lungs hence the collapses when you are on your menses…the endometriosis in other organs also bleeds. So in this case my lungs were having to deal with this bleeding and could not cope. There’s a girl whose ENDOMETRIOSIS moved to the brain and she gets epileptic seizures. This is a disease that is causing infertility, removal of the uterus and ovaries and also leads to ovarian and cervical cancer. This is where we are as women. We need to stand up and speak in order to get help. I won’t go further into all the procedures I have to undergo but many women are suffering in silence and we are being shamed. Do not shame a woman. Support her, respect her and care for her. Happy International Women’s Day to the women I call mum, mummy and my little sis and my other sisters out there. Bless your heart’s.” Wrote Njambi.