The Thirst Is Real! Check Out NTV’s Obinna “Nyemelea” Marya! (PHOTOS)

Yesterday, we unveiled the new sexy Marya around and about town aye? Gone is all the fat that was hiding her sexy frame and she is back and bringing sexy along with her for the journey. And when I bumped into her this past weekend, she was causing quite the stir over at Club Hypnotica’s V.I.P section.

But what does that even mean causing a stir? Well, another Kenyan celebrity -radio personality and comedian Obinna was in the building chilling in the V.I.P section with his rather sizeable entourage. And when he saw Marya, his interest was sparked but when she begun to dance, he couldn’t contain himself. And so his thirst was set loose. Check out the photos of how that went down below:


It all started with Marya doing her thing in the VIP section. And like I said yesterday, everyone was enthralled!


Obinna then came and pleaded his case.


Eh henn…



What happened next? Marya’s boyfriend was having none of this nonsense! Photos coming up…












About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)