The Real Enemy Of Local Content: Broadcasting Networks!
I have to say that I am sick and tired of seeing similar shows across the different TV stations. I am not too keen to catch yet another version of a show of Tujuane. No, Uncle Chim Tuna would rather give it a wide berth!
And I can hear ou asking why. Well, even if you aren’t asking, I will tell you. Because the corporate strategy of “fast follower” is killing creativity. Just this morning, Sue Watiri told you about a new show in the works that will be “Tujuane’s”equivalent.
Yay! Just what the doctor ordered, another “Tujuane”!
Why would you want to simply copy? Well, Nali put it best yesterday when she told me that Kenyans have The “me too” approach to life and business. A young lad or lass with creative concepts pitches a show to a network and they adopt it and your counter is to follow in the mould of the show?
We need creative and unique shows that will not just have us glued to the screen, they will have us like this:
How is this a sustainable and scalable show? You will be stuck poaching and copying rather than innovating. Broacasting executives seem to be out of touch. They are more set on copying than allowing fresh talent in through the door because it is a risk. But guess what, “Tujuane” was a risk. Ghafla!Kenya was a risk.
Fortune favours the brave.
Stop killing creativity by locking out fresh ideas and talents and instead copying concepts.
Uncle Chim Tuna has spoken.