The Man Behind The Fake Caroline Mutoko Twitter Account Exposed! (Photo)

Time and time again, Kiss FM’s Caroline Mutoko has maintained that she’s not Twitter and that she doesn’t own any other social media account apart from her Facebook page. However, a certain individual has been using her name to run a parody account, @Caroline_Mutoko making many KOT believe that it’s the real Caroline Mutoko.

However, the imposter’s days were numbered and yesterday he was finally exposed! The guy, Polycarp Bosire who also runs another account, @PoLycarpKE, has for a very long time been masquerading as the radio queen and making disparaging comments via the handle.

Here’s how his treachery was finally brought to light;


Blogger Robert Alai also alleged that Bosire inboxed Caroline on Facebook and admitted that he has been running an account on Twitter under her name. Here’s that screenshot;


However, even after being exposed, Bosire immediately set up another phony account still play-acting that it’s Caroline Mutoko’s twitter handle. However, the Kiss 100 Breakfast show host has dismissed him!



About this writer:

Jeff Omondi (Writer)