The Makmende Video Crosses the Half-Million Mark
Just three months short of its three-year anniversary, Just-A-Band’s Ha-He video has crossed the 500,000 views mark on YouTube.
It was Kenya’s first–and to this day only–viral video became a hit, drawing attention from Huffington Post, Wall Street Journal and was the basis of a 2011 creative challenge that saw the production of the same band’s Huff+Puff.
Ha-He was the second single from the band’s sophomore album, 82. The video, which can also be considered a mini-movie, stars Kevin “K1” Maina as Makmende, Patricia Kihoro as Britannia Zimeisha, Kibugi Wamae as Wrong Number, Mugambi Nthiga as Taste of Danger with Renee Sewe, Kwame Oddenyo, PA Okaalet, Kevin “K2” Maina, Moses Wataka, Lucille Kahara and Diana Nduba. Ha-He was directed by Jim Chuchu and Mbithi Masya, who also stars as the ultimate villain, First Bodi.
Check out the Ha-He video below.