The lengths people will go to get a Job; Rakiel Kaoka’s bold move got her hired!

Rakiel Kaoka is a happy woman now! She is contented, financially stable and above all has peace of mind thanks to a dramatic some may even called desperate move she pulled last week.
Rakiel, a 24 year old graduate from Kenyatta University, with an undergraduate degree in Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Finance in a desperate move to get employed printed a job placard complete with name, qualifications, and even phone number and proceeded to camp at the busy United Nations Junction, off Limuru Road for the one week hoisting it high for all to see and give her a job.
Well! Youth Enterprise Development Fund noticed her bold move and steeped in, YEDF has offered Rakiel a three months internship programme, a nice salary advance to sort out her immediate needs and a counselling session to get her back to her feet.
Youth Fund CEO Josiah Moriasi told Nairobi news.
Rakiel however is not alone in going all the way to seeking employment, just a few months ago Patrick Muthomi, a graduate from Chuka also pulled a similar stunt, hosting a job placard high for all humanity to see along Thika road. His courageous move also landed him a job with Chandaria Industries as an accounts clerk.
It is easy to chastised these Rakiel and Patrick but truth be told unemployment in Kenya is a bring problem. According to World Bank report, 2016 youth enemployent stands at a staggering 17.3 per cent.
The situation is not helped by universities churning out thousands of graduates every year.
All over the world jobs have diminished too and university graduates have also been forced to be creative in catching their employer’s eye.
Here are a few examples across the world which Rakiel and Patrick may have borrowed a leaf from.
According to a report covered by Business Insider, one Alec Brownstein took a google ad with the names of advertising executives. When they google their names, his job request showed up at the top of the page. When Ian Reichenthal of Younf and Rubicom saw the advert he called Alec and offered him a job pap! What a genius.
Another candidate contracted a billboard outside of an employer’s office to get noticed, another one knew how to wet his employer’s appetite literary, he wrapped his CV round a nestle crunch bar and landed himself a marketing job.
Job busby, another jobless seeker printed out a costumed made T-Shirt printed up with his CV and wore it around where he went. The result 90 per cent of people passing him took a good glance and he later got employed (Plotr).
However not every technique has worked, some have back fired big time.
Like for instance a candidate who showed up for an interview dressed as a clown, another one sent the interviewer some beef stew with a note
So if you are currently unemployed and looking for work, you may be cracking your head how to come up with the next bold move  to get you noticed and hired.
Jacquelyn Smith a writer with Forbes magazine offer a few advice when she spoke to Rosemary Haefner, CareerBuilder’s Vice president of human resources.
part of Jacquelyn post reads .

About this writer:

Baba Ghafla