The Fat Ray C Is No More! The Moto Moto Singer Has Regained Her Sexy Body After Losing 32Kg (Photos)

No sweat no gain mhh! She was sizzling hot with a figure 8 body, then she put up so much weight to rival a pregnant elephant and finally, she has chopped off the unnecessary fat. Ray C’s cycle is now complete!

Ray C was once the hottest female musician in East Africa. Her indulgence with drugs saw her gain weight at the speed of light travelling in straight line.

Noticing the danger ahead, the onetime sensation enrolled herself in rehab (not really, it was the Tanzanian government that sent her to rehab in India) in a bid to regain her sanity.

After the rehab, Ray C had one mountain to climb. Her weight gain had distorted her look and it was time to wage war on the cumulated fat giving her the odd appearance.

And now the Tanzanian singer is happy to announce she’s weighing only 68kg. She used to weigh as much as two sacks of Mumias sugar.

“Leo Rasmi nawajulisha kuwa kutoka kilo mia hadi sasa nina kilo 68!kwahiyo hapo bado kilo tatu tu ili niweze kurudi kwenye kilp zangu nilizozizoea 65!I can’t wait for y,all to see my new photoshoot!All i can say is Wow!” Thrilled Ray C wrote.





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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere