“The Family Uses The Boxer As a Cash Cow And Her Brothers Use Her Donations As School Fees For Their Children.” Conjestina’s Family and Model Fight Over The Boxer’s Medical Funds

Conjestina Achieng’ may still be rehabilitating at Kisumu Hope Rehabilitation Center but her family and a model in Nairobi are busy fighting over her funds which were raised by well wishers.

The model the reigning Miss Eastlands Eveleen Nangoye says she tried to help the former boxing champion only to find out that her family were more interested in receiving the money and at one point even ignored a doctor she had recommended that was willing to treat the boxer for free.

Speaking to Nairobi News, the model said ““The family uses the boxer as a cash cow and her brothers use her donations as school fees for their children.”

The family on the other hand accuse her of having colluded with a bank official in Nairobi where they had opened a bank and an Mpesa account only to find out that they were locked out as signatories.

To this, the model says the account was closed due to the model’s greed and says it only ever got to have 23,000/-. This she attributes to people knowing about the family tendency to turn the ailing boxer into a cash cow. For the moment , the boxer receives whatever care the rehabilitation center can offer her as the wrangles continue.

About this writer:

Liatema Munyu