The EPL Makes An Ad In Kenya And Uses Kenyan Actors (VIDEO)
The English Premier League is the most popular football league in the world and people and there is no doubt about that. And that said and done, I was rather impressed to find that they came to Kenya to shoot an ad that sought to thank EPL fans the world round. Or rather, Kenya was one of three destinations that were selected.
And for the ad, they elected to use one of the most talented young actors around and that is none other than Olwenya Maina.
The same lad that starred in “Nairobi Half Life” as a young thief -a role he pulled off so well I might add.
In this add, Olwenya plays a lad who is trying to watch an Arsenal match so together with his young brother, he has to leave his rural area to get to the town center to watch the game -aye, the premise is dodgy at best but the highlight is the acting.
Watch the add below: