The Day Chipukeezy Stripped for His Audience (PHOTO)
Oh to be funny and to be Chipukeezy! You can get away with almost any stunt you pull.
For a better part of Thursday morning, the online community has been treated to a photo of the comedian stripped down to his knickers accompanied by outrageous comments, some of which can’t be written down.
However, Chipukeezy quickly put off the negative energy that had started catching fire on Facebook by showing disapproval to the tittle-tattle doing rounds.
The photo in question was taken a while back, actually close to a couple of years back at the Alliance Française during the premiere of the first ever Kamba play, Ndukatavye Mundu (don’t tell anyone). Thing is, the photo is from a scene of the play and if you haven’t already seen it, here it is;
Don’t tell anyone…