THE CORNER KICK | Why UoN and KU Students Should Be More Worried About Their Education Than Obama Visit
Ever since it emerged that POTUS will be visiting Kenyatta University and not the University of Nairobi who had written requesting him to pay them a visit, so much has been happening between the two institutions.
A face-off ensued when US war planes landed at the Kenyatta University grounds in what was said to be a fieldwork drill on how things will happen in case a need arises.
UoN and KU students have been embroiled in a fierce online battle that has further escalated the otherwise frosty relationship between the institutions which are fighting for capital supremacy in terms of almost everything.
From academic excellence to infrastructural genius to everything, KU and UoN have never been cooked in the same pot. And this is not getting better any time soon after it emerged that Babu Owino’s threatening letter had been binned after hitting headlines and getting President Uhuru raging angrily at the student leader.
While KU and UoN students face each other fiercely over Obama visit, one thing remains a reality for sure: there is life after Obama in Kenya. And a harsh one for that matter.
Obama will come tomorrow, disrupt our normal routines, cost us colossal sums of our tax and later fly out. Kenya, I want to believe, and especially the UoN and KU, will remain the same.
I hear KU are starting their exams come the 27th of this month. Remember Obama’s visit means much of your time for revision will be wasted on that Sunday afternoon when you are peeping from the fence to see this man who has got even CNN calling Kenya a terror hotbed.
Exams will be gazing at you come Monday morning. Answers booklets will be demanding that you a least scribble something worth on them. Your supervisors won’t allow you to peep through your Mwakenya because you did not read out of the anxiety to see Obama.
To the UoN students, burning and destroying a tree planted by Obama when he visited Kenya as Illinois Senator is so nonsensical. I mean why would an intellectual burn a tree because the man who planted it has refused to visit? That is an intellectual challenge that needs urgent intervention.
Funny enough, Obama is not coming to Kenya to assure graduands and undergraduate students jobs. His mission is one, to do what the people of America demand from him as their leader.
After he is gone, and you are done with your college studies, you will be out here tarmacking. Ask those of us who have left and are out here. Life is not how you view it from inside halls of residence where you roll with someone’s son or daughter in the name of love. It is much different. It is convoluted.
All this fuss about Obama not visiting your campus and visiting yours is just but myopia of the highest order. Get a life. Gerarahia and refocus your future.
Kenya will be the same after Obama. You need a job after this and no one is gonna employ you when you burn a tree that is meant to benefit more and more generations that will study in that camous.
Honestly comrades, get a life. Obama belongs to America.
Comrades, get a life.