THE CORNER KICK | Why The Battalion Of D-List Singers Who Stormed Nation Centre In Protest Should Be Utterly Ignored
Our forefathers weren’t mad when they reminded us that it is not prudent to force a tired donkey to do something you want done for you. Even when Ballam was too myopic to see God’s angel ahead blocking his donkey from ferrying him to go and curse God’s chosen ones, the donkey was forced to speak, the very first and last case of a donkey addressing a human being with the language they are conversant with.
Forcing food down a throat of an already full kid is just a waste of time and food. They will puke. Forcing yourself into a relationship that the other party is not will to entertain is detrimental.
I would go on and on and on with so many examples but back to my point, I am a raging Kenyan after the bull-crap that went down outside Nation Centre yesterday by a group of D-listers and attention-seekers whose only survival tact is to litter the streets of the capital with placards making a lot of noise with nothing.
D-listers camping outside Nation Centre
I hear the D-list artistes were demonstrating over the fact that nobody gives a f**k about their irritating, boring, below-bar and unpalatable music.
It is so funny that among the people who took to the streets to protest, none of them has regional recognition, leave alone national reach.
Even funnier enough, established artistes like Sauti Sol, Jaguar, Octopizzo, Avril, Sarah K, Daddy Owen, Wahu, et al were not in this group of individuals forcing themselves into the industry when they know they have nothing to show to the Kenyans.
Media houses don’t make money from poor content and so they will go for content that sells. I mean content that Kenyans prefer. They work under the influence of Kenyans. Personally I would switch stations if I heard or saw one of the D-listers’ music playing. Distasteful.
Why would anyone who believes in themselves want to force a media station or a DJ to play their songs? Why? If you believe in yourself let your work sell you out there.
It is very appalling and interesting at the same time that after losing their battle with DJs these D-listers are now directing their frustrations at media houses in the name of demanding a 70% pure Kenyan music airplay.
We know the government has put a restriction that at least 60% of Kenyan content should be played in Kenyan media. But our media houses have not adhered to this because most of the music these D-listers release is veeeery pathetic. Perhaps this is why the government is not also moved by this. The government itself knows some artistes are pathetic. And these are the people who went to pitch camp at Nation Centre. Horrible!
D-listers get this: Up your game, no amount of demonstrations and intimidating will force Mzazi Tuva, Kay B, Nzula Makosi, Mwende Macharia, Mbusi, Dj Crème de la Crème, Dj Joe Mfalme and the rest to play your pathetic music. Just up your game. Get out of the D-list zone. Do good music. Dedicate yourself to doing research and produce good work.
Ask Sauti Sol, Elani and the rest and they will tell you for free that they never forced anyone to play their music. Do not be Ballams of these times.
Shame on you D-listers.