The Chilling Confessions Of Rose, a Woman Who Sleeps With Dead People For Money!
Yesterday, we quickly deviated from Bro Ocholla Shenanigans after a recording arose of a woman who is reportedly, a necrophiliac . A necrophiliac is by definition a person who finds pleasure in having sexual relations with dead people.
Now the lady in question was called by hero radio after her husband got wind of her weird fetish. In an confession, the husband revealed that he was scared out of his wits and had even resorted to walking out of their marriage.
The lady on the other hand stuck to her ground and revealed chilling details of how she visits a mortuary every weeks for a ritual that involves having sex with fresh dead bodies. An accomplice undertaker gives her access to the cadavers for an agreed fee of 5,000 per week.
So why sleep with dead people?
The lady narrated to Hero radio that she did it in order to get wealthy and was happy with it as she was now able to live off comfortably with her then husband who did not have a stable job. She however turned down any offers of professional or divine help citing that she was fine with getting the money at whatever means.
But something does not add up, why would the husband TED resort to calling Hero radio (which is neither a church nor a psychiatrist clinic?) instead of seeking divine intervention? Why would rose (an alleged necrophiliac) talk so casually about her vice? Don’t you think she would have hanged up within the minute rather than offer a chilling insight into her fetish?
Such cases are not totally un-heard of but calling Hero Radio and airing the audio seems staged. But that is just me. I could be wrong.