The 7 Types Of Conductors (Makangas) You Will Meet In Nairobi

If you use matatus, chances are that you have encountered at least 3 of these types of conductors. Have a peep below and find out what kind of conductors I am talking about:

 1. Mr. Smooth Operator


He is often spotted in the company of the hottest chics who are regular travelers of a certain route.

He clearly knows how to handle the ladies and is usually gifted with rugged good looks or is a snazzy dresser who somehow manages to make the fugly maroon uniform look good.

2. The Hot Head


This one must have missed the ‘customer care’ classes because he is perpetually angry, mostly acts like a tough guy and is often brazen and rude.

He is the kind to ‘pitisha’ you then abuses you if you bring it up. Don’t be surprised when he is caught in tiffs with passengers as he does not seem to have a stop button.

3. The Pervert


He makes the kind of lewd jokes that make everyone shift in their seats uncomfortably . He is often the kind that wants to cop a feel in the pretense of directing girls into the vehicle.

4. The Hypeman


He is not the main conductor, but he is the kind that pulls the crowd to the mat for a small fee of 20 or 10 bob. The trumpet-blower if you will.

If you ply the KU-Kahawa, then you have probably heard them say things like “Mat Safi bila Kunguni na ni 50 Bob tu!”

He often disses other matatus and touts and is the self-appointed lawyer of the matatu fraternity.He also sometimes doubles up as ‘mtu wa seti’.

5. The One with Selective Amnesia

Always seems to forget your change and if you don’t remind him you might never get your change back.

If you actually find him, they simply act like they have no recollection whatsoever of interacting with you and you are just there like:


6. The Nice One

A rare gem in the matatu industry who is very polite, gives your change back and is often the kind to help old ladies and the disabled out of the matatus.


7. The Functioning Alcoholic

His life is a 24/7 party but he doesn’t exhibit the outward symptoms of drunkenness, what often gives him away is the pungent smell of alcohol which smacks you right in the face .

This type of kange can drink a copious amount of alcohol which in others would be incapacitating but somehow he still manages to function and is even on his A-game.


About this writer:

Sue Watiri