Thanks to ‘Fundamentals’ Ken wa Maria Finally Joins Twitter & Facebook. Here are His Official Handles


Towards the end of last year and for the better part of 2014, the ‘Fundamentals fever’ swept across the country making Ken wa Maria a household name. While that happened, ‘Fundamentals’ became everyone’s ringtone and every club’s anthem.

Meanwhile on YouTube was going viral and there were even rumours that Ken has even been approached by many big artists to do a remix of the song (#winning) but he has not yet made his decision and to think that he did this song as a joke.

Well, with all these publicity wa Maria had to grab this opportunity to make his brand visible. Today, the ‘Fundamentals’ hit-maker has officially joined social media; Twitter, Facebook and IG.

Speaking exclusively to Ghafla! wa Maria acknowledges,

“…this is the first time ever joining the social media platforms so i thought you should be the first to know, this will enable my fans to interact with me.”

Here are wa Maria official social media accounts;






And of course it wouldn’t be fair to finish off without singing along the catchy tunes of ‘Fundamentals’;





About this writer:

Jeff Omondi (Writer)