“Thank You KOT” See Why UoN Vice-Chancellor Is Raving About The Dreaded Lynch Bandwagon
Kenyans on Twitter (KOT) has a reputation of tearing whoever whenever and as such, it’s treated with apprehension by most folks. UoN VC is however lauding KOT. But why??
KOT has today earned praise from an unlikely quarter. University of Nairobi’s Vice-Chancellor has spoken highly of KOT.
Today is a special day for Kenya’s leading public university. UoN held a colorful 53rd Graduation Ceremony!
The graduation was a hot top on social media, it was trending first on twitter for the better part of today.
#uongraduation gained traction thank to KOT. The dreaded lynch bandwagon was busy beating the drum for UoN graduation that they attracted the attention of Prof. Peter M.F. Mbithi, the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Nairobi.
He tweeted to thank KOT for a job well done. As a mother of fact, he tagged KOT in almost all of his tweets.