Tanzanian Maverick President Phone And Home Keeping Skills Will Surprise You (Photo)
Pombe Magufuli is quite a character, even the name states it, the style and talks is also just out of this world of the common president even by Tanzania’s standards.
Well, this time round the president took time off his usual engagements and decided to teach workers how to sew and from the picture, it is not just a ceremonial stunt but rather something he is quite familiar and adept at.
Looking at his handling makes you wonder just how many things this guy knows. Surprising too is the phone he uses. Underneath the sewing machine there is a phone of the olden types. At a time when many of the current leaders and executives have a number of expensive latest phones they under use, is choice of a Symbian second generation phone is quite startling. Here is Magufuli as you will never see any other president.