Talent Is Unbeatable! A Few Days After K24 Declared Her Redundant, Brilliant Reporter Lands Job At International Media
You really cannot put a good man, in this case woman down.
Just recently, the powers that be at Mediamax decided that some positions at the company were no longer useful. A restructuring process saw big heads roll from the television broadcaster, the newspaper and their top radio station Milele FM.
Among those who were purged out, was news reporter, Purity Mwambia. The news lady had joined K24 from KTN and now the company was no longer in need of her services. When she was fired, she quickly found a new employer in the international news station Al-Jazeera International.
She will be joining a number of Kenyans already at the station including former colleague Catherine Wambui. We wish her the best in her new position.