Super Producer Tedd Josiah Open Letter to African “Queens”

When feminists decry the objectification of women, “meninists” find every reason to celebrate when images of nude and semi-nude women flood movies, magazine covers and of course the internet. The craze for undressed images of women has quickly become an African problem.

However, due to the fact that it’s all too obvious and difficult to ignore, the focus shifts to sexual objectification.

Well, super-producer Tedd Josiah has decided to get it off his chest what he feels about the objectification of African women. In a short and hard-hitting note to African ladies, Josiah urges them not to ape the “lost society”.

He writes;

“Dear African Queens,

At this point in time when the world is busy making objects out of women and commercialising them like things for sale specially in the 1st world. I think you African women can show that there is a better way to be beautiful, graceful, sexy and attractive in an African way…… Don’t ape a lost society but show that lost society a better way.”

About this writer:

Jeff Omondi (Writer)