Super Aroused Female KDF Soldier Causes A Fuss After She Put Up Open Invitation For Men To Bang Her All Night Long This Friday Night (Photos)

Aya! While others are salendaring, a female KDF soldier is inviting men with Mollis-like stamina to ride her harder than a Texas bull.

Team Mafisi has finally found the lady that dares challenge them for bed activity! Who is man enough to bisect a female soldier??

I hear women serving in the armed forces have been toughened up, I don’t think they can ever salenda. See why one of them is bold enough to challenge men to take her down all night long!

The said service servicewoman goes by the name Corazon O. on social media. Corazon??? But she isn’t the bootyfull socialite, Corazon Kwamboka.

Corazon (seems this name resonates with matters coitus) decided to put up an open invitation for men to bang her all night long.

All night long in this scenario mean TONIGHT! Friday 21st August 2015. She placed the ‘advert’ yesterday, just in time to make sure the message reaches far and wide. Perhaps to give those interested enough time to eat ‘mkombero’ or ready themselves physically and emotionally.

“Tomorrow is Friday, I want someone to bang me the whole night. Who is ready?” Wrote Corazon on her timeline.

Of course her open invitation attracted hundreds of thirsty brothers, most were labeling themselves ‘Mollis’.

Pweeh! Men are just men, I tell you testosterones were busy bragging how they have the biggest anacondas that could make Corazon salenda.

Go to the next page to see photos of the lady and the reaction she generated:






About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere