Suits and Mics Makes a Sterling Comeback!
Making a comeback after a successful first showing at the Michael Joseph Center earlier this year, here’s Suits and Mics Volume 2!
Set in place to ensure the full appreciation of lyricism and the lyricists behind the music.
The Acoustic Sessions are a prelude to Suits And Mics Vol 2..
The lyrical stylings of Victoria Zosi and Achieng Adhiambo
Flows by Jemedari, Point Blank and Kimathi Marshall
Special Raw And Uncut session by MCs Eveready and Rilla
The venue is the brand new Club Soundd and the date is 15th July 2012 from 3pm – 6pm. Gate charges are Kshs. 300 and mixtapes and LP’s shall also be available for sale.
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The Renaissance Men, The Team Building Co., 56 Authentique