Strange World: A Man Dies After An Attempt To Gold Plate His “Balls” Hits A Snag.

Fame is a fickle bruh. 

Some rich fellas seriously need lessons on possible ways of depleting their funds. A Canadian man has crossed over to eternity after a procedure to gold plate his nether regions hit a snag. 

The reasons why the man felt the need to gold plate some of the most private parts of his body still remains a mystery, reports from people well known to him however indicate that the man had a taste for things most unnatural as dictated the fame, and the money that came with it. 

The man in question won a lottery and decided to go for the most unnatural, most unwarranted, totally unheard of way of using his luck money, unfortunately for him- what would have made a worldwide sensation became his undoing. 

He went the way of all flesh, leaving his wealth to entertain his family and friends.


What a expensive way to die. 

About this writer:

T. Magu