Strange World: A Frustrated Man In Kirinyaga Cuts Off His Manhood After A Woman Turned Him Down.
An exasperated man in Kirinyaga used a kitchen knife to sever of his manhood after all the women he had been tying to court turned down his lofty advances.
According to Citizen digital the man did not see the need to have an organ that no one was using, prompting him to do away with it once and for all. The man it is reported, went into his house and used a knife to cut it off, he then dashed outside bleeding profusely.
His immediate family and kinsmen took him to hospital with his manhood in a polythene bag where the doctors said that they were going to attempt to re-attach it.
The man is currently recuperating at Kerugoya Level 4 Hospital.
This is a first time that we’ve heard of a man taking the initiative to cut off his own ‘tree’ upon the realisation that it was not bearing fruits as opposed to other grave scenarios when women have had to do the procedure on their wayward husbands.
The esteemed council wishes the frustrated lad a speedy recovery, we hope that upon recovery, he will find himself a willing lass as God intended the world to be.