Sol Family is the reality show that brings you an unfiltered and uncensored look into the lives of the members of Kenya’s most successful group, Sauti Sol, as well as the members of their record label, Sol Generation, and the spouses of each member of the group.
The show, Sol Family, airs on Showmax and is such an exciting one as it doesn’t have contrived drama but still manages to capture the excitement of being Bien, Savara, Chimano and Polycarp.
You get to see how Bien and his wife and the in-laws live and relate, the way Mudigi Savara and his girlfriend Endo, Chimano’s antics and Polycarp and his wife as they take care of their young family.
If you have ever wanted to get an in-depth glimpse at the lives of your favourite stars, how they relate with their peers, if you want to see the type of toll their success takes on their personal lives, this is it. Sol Family on Showmax should be that plan for you. And you can be sure you will get a lot of exclusive information about the boys of Sauti Sol. Like When Polycarp rolled up on his friends in a brand new Mercedes 4×4. Or when Bien and Chiki went to get matching tattoos in place of wedding rings!
The show airs every Monday at 8 PM and you can only catch it on Showmax. Which would only cost you 380/- per month. And for that price you get way more than you’d bargained for as you get access to the entire bouquet of shows including sports events and HBO shows.