Need ideas to surprise your family this Christmas? Try a signature Cassava-themed dish!

It’s time for healthier and more appealing food – to the eye, and the palate.

Here’s an often-ignored African food: The Cassava Tuber.

The cassava is versatile, but often suffers the blunt of masculine jokes. It’s a popular feature in fertility and virility jokes – there’s a conception that Cassava adds fuel to a man’s drive.

It’s true.

Besides, the root is gluten-free, grain-free and nut-free, making it a potential food substitute for people with allergies.

However, Cassava roots, skin and leaves contain cyanogen glycosides that are toxic, thus needs some preparation routines before consumption. Otherwise, it’s an important source of nutrients and energy.

This cyanide content is removed by peeling and cooking the tuber.

The Cassava tuber has an earthy, mild taste and starchy consistency. It can be used in a variety of recipes, basically as you might prepare potatoes – steamed, baked, mashed, boiled, or roasted.

Cassava can also be fried and made into chips, similar in preparation and taste to potato chips. The chips can be ingeniously flavored with native herbs and spices like garlic, cinnamon – and fried just as crispy and delicious as French fries.

This is a popular street delicacy in urban coast – peddled on the pavements and open-air markets.

Cassava can also be eaten similarly to mashed potatoes – combined with butter, roasted garlic, or grated cheese, or topped with a drizzle of extra-virgin olive oil or a large spoonful of caramelized onion.

To start, examine your Cassava tubers.

The roots should have a clean fresh scent and snowy white center when cut open. Break off the end of the Cassava. If the flesh has black specks, lines, or any discoloration, it should be discarded.

Before cooking, Cassava needs to be peeled and cut. Because of the thick skin and protective wax coating, use a regular knife.

Stand the root up on its end and slice vertically along the edges until the skin has been completely peeled off.

Next, remove the core. Some methods may have the core removed after cooking, but, pre-removal is the safer bet.

Stand the root pieces on end and cut the peeled root in half lengthwise to expose the woody core – curve and discard the woody, thread core.

The cassava is now ready to cook in a recipe or safely frozen for future use.

At this point, you can use the Cassava in essentially the same ways you’d use potatoes, or yams. There’s lots of recipes: Cassava-meat recipes, Cassava-flour bread, Cassava crisps and chips, et al.

This is a healthy family treat. In the village, the plus is that Cassava is fresh, as it’s widely grown. All you need to purchase is the auxiliary ingredients.

In the village, support local businesses by shopping for ingredients locally. It makes no sense to shop for garlic in the city – check at the local grocery – who’s also may be a Co-op Kwa Jirani agent.

Co-op Bank has a unique banking experience through its Co-op Kwa Jirani model that mirrors banking in conventional banking halls.

At Co-op Kwa Jirani, instant cash withdrawals and deposits from Co-op Bank account, SACCO Account or Fethalink are available, a real convenience.

This festive season, access banking services at your local Co-op Kwa Jirani outlet – and boost your neighbor’s business by shopping locally!


Making a long drive upcountry for Christmas? Avoid getting stranded with a basic car check before the drive!

This festive week, lots of families will be making long drives to mark Christmas with their families or friends. Due to the prevalent Covid-19 conditions for most of the year, lots of these trips will be made upcountry.

There’s the comfort, flexibility and convenience a car affords one in this situation – and for some, they’ll be looking to hire a car for a few days.

There are a few individual checks one needs to make on the car before a long drive. No one fancies getting a break down at odd hours, middle of a forest.

What are (some) of the checks?

  • Have the tires checked for alignment and pressure.
  • Check the headlights and turn indicators – replace bulbs, or blinking frequencies.
  • The condition of brakes – replace brake pads, and have them tuned.
  • The AC – you don’t need your family stewing in the car on a long drive. They’ll be cranky.
  • Check & top up the coolant.
  • How’s the battery condition? Replace if it’s aged.
  • Check and replace engine oil and oil filters – if necessary.
  • Replace old, worn out wipers – if need be.
  • Make sure the spare tire is in good condition, and the tool kit to change tire if need arises.

Additional important things:

  • Obtain a small fire extinguisher for the car.
  • Tag along essential vehicle documents like registration, driving license and insurance.
  • Carry extra essential fuses of the car – if you have the skills to diagnose an electrical mishap.
  • An extra can of engine oil, brake and coolant fluids.
  • Have an emergency car kit – jumper cables, tire sealer, and tire Inflator with pressure check monitor
  • Basics like flash lights, a medical first aid kit and the triangle hazard signs

One other essential aspect is the fuel you purchase along the way. Avoid making purchases from unorthodox, road side dealers.

Most of this fuel is adulterated, and will eventually cause a vehicle break down – or greatly reduce performance.

Purchase fuel at established fuel stations only.

Another plus is that purchasing at established fuel stations allows one to make cashless payments – which greatly helps in general personal safety and in the fight against the pandemic.

For Co-op Bank clients, using the Co-op Bank Visa Cards comes at no extra charges.

Besides fuel purchases, Co-op Bank Visa Cards can also be safely swiped at restaurants, pharmacies, mall shopping, groceries, et al.

It’s convenient, safe and any transactions get instant notifications on mobile phone. It’s easier to track spending this festive season.

Get some helpful info on Co-op Bank Visa Cards by clicking here, or visit the nearest bank branch.

Have a Merry Christmas. Enjoy responsibly.


Have you ever had to manage rowdy, inebriated family members on a Christmas Day night out?

A teetotaler’s idea of a bad evening is hanging out with people enjoying a drink. It’s all fun at first, but the scale soon tips – and it’s all downhill.

It suddenly shifts from a good evening to a realization that hanging out in a pub with this crowd wasn’t a good idea.

It’s especially worse, if it’s the annual Christmas Day family night out at the village pub.

The family joins up half of the tables in the pub into one long ‘conference table’. At first, everyone sits randomly, but as the night gets merrier, alliances start.

As a teetotaler, everyone wants to buy you a drink. Like, I mean, how many packs of fruit juice can you take in a night? Pretty soon, your section of the inebriation conference table is packed with soda and fruit juice.

Then, drunk long lost cousins will suddenly remember how close you all are.

Someone will throw an arm across your shoulders, and slur into your ear:

“Bro, hii miaka yote nishawahi kukosea?”

“Bro, ulisema utanipa kuku moja nikakulie Nairobi? Kwetu Rongai kuku ni expensive sana!”

Before you can think of something cordially apt in response, a mild scuffle at the far end of the table catches your attention.

Uncle Tosh, the official family MC and acclaimed ‘entrepreneur’ is a drink or two past his threshold. He wants to know where he’s parked his jalopy. In normal circumstances, that query would be valid – except that on this night no one drove to the village pub – it’s within walking distance from home.

One of your cousins at some point has doused your fruit juice with whisky.

You realize it’s close to curfew hour, and no one seems in a hurry to leave….

Shortly, the pub’s owner and former classmate beckons for a private chat. He wants the bill cleared, as the law demands close down before the curfew.

“They haven’t paid?” You ask, pointing at the lot over your shoulder with your thumb.

Mentally, you are fast making count of all the fruit juice ordered in your name.

“Oh, they have paid, except Tosh. He has a bill….” The owner tells you.

Meanwhile, Uncle Tosh is trying some Lingala moves between the tables. It’d be hilarious to watch, if the little matter of his pending bill wasn’t looming so low overhead.

“How much?” You ask.

“Tosh has 6,600 not paid. He asked for The Whisky bottle”.

At the village pub, The Whisky is an expensive bottle of Scotch whisky that has gathered dust on the shelf for a couple of years. No one had dared ordered it!

You approach Uncle Tosh, and he chooses the moment to remind you how in his hey days, he had sacrificed everything to pay your father’s school fees. You owe him, see?

Reluctantly, you realize you are the only hope in saving the family’s face. You need to clear the bill. How now, at almost curfew time in the village?

As a Co-op Bank client, you have an open option.

Next door, the late-night pharmacy is also a Co-op Kwa Jirani agent. A withdrawal allows you to clear the pending bill, though prior marked as “Bedsitter Rent Money”.

Well, Uncle Tosh ain’t entirely safe – you confiscate his phone to make a claim for refunds in the morning.

It’ll be easy to prove – every transaction at a Co-op Kwa Jirani gets instant notification sent to your mobile number for easy account management!

Click here to learn more, or visit the nearest Co-op Bank branch.

Also Read:

Do you inwardly groan in agony each time your spouse mutters: “Aki sina pesa ya Chama hii mwezi….”?

Despite the effects of the pandemic, the festive season is gradually mellowing. It may not peak to usual levels in previous years, but, still, the festive fever is slowly spreading.

People seem happier on a general scale.

The urban dwellers are increasingly lighting up sleepy, dreary village paths. It’s a great change for new faces, new dialects and much-needed treats from the city.

The hilarious theatrics, though!

The inevitable Selfie’s are OK, and expected.

Grandma is patiently begrudging teenage grandkids with the odd Selfie. After all, she recently got funky new dentures – a set of heavenly white enamel jewels.

What’s not Ok, though, is the filters on every photo taken for Instagram. The village has a natural feel, a rusty aura that makes a fortnight away from the concrete jungle a worthwhile sojourn.

Be natural!

The men use the village vacation to bond with their age mates.

They’ll leave the homestead at break of dawn ‘to see Mwenda pale karibu na cattle dip’ – and, they’ll return at midnight, if at all.

They’ll return sloshed on local brews. But, true to self, they’ll chew their way through cold dinner to appease their spouses!

Men are simple in nature. No one cares about who bought a new ride, or who snapped up a lucrative tender with a local NGO. Their boyhood friendships are rekindled over a pot of local brew.

The urban women easily bond in secluded groups with their village peers and share funny tidbits about their husbands.

Women are generous – they’ll share wigs, weaves and Vitenge fabrics. They’ll share new recipes and coach each other on new beauty trends.

The urban ladies will call their urban friends and introduce them to their village friends – and it’s wonderful, basic networking.

“Aki wewe Mama Natasha, ukipatana na Mama Mike mnaweza kuwa marafiki sana”.

And, that’s how lifelong friendships are made.

Women tend to cement new alliances with future plans. They’ll make steaming pots of tea – and talk about forming new Chama’s. They’ll even elect new officials and form a conclusive constitution.

It matters not, if all members are in the village for X-mas. They’ll call lady friends they think are a fit for the new Chama.

It’s incredulous, but a section of the region’s most enterprising investments started with a group of ladies gushing about everything over a pot of tea.

The new Chama officials will hit the ground running. The treasurer role usually gets a grounded woman.

She’ll marshal the rest into opening a central Chama account.

For this account, each will get the number – and, like clockwork, each member channels monthly contributions.

The men? Well, the agony wrought upon by their spouses muttering:

“Aki sina pesa ya Chama hii mwezi….”

If you form an impromptu Chama with fellow ladies, it’s prudent to consider opening a central Chama account with Co-op Bank.

Co-op Bank has established a unique grass root banking experience through its Co-op Kwa Jirani model that mirrors banking in conventional banking halls.

These agents are your everyday grocer shops, butcheries, hardware dealers, et al.

At Co-op Kwa Jirani, one can make instant cash withdrawals and deposits from Co-op Bank account, SACCO Account or Fethalink.

That’s how conveniently new Chama members make deposits into a central account, right from next door!

Co-op Bank partners with Thunes to rollout Co-opRemit – a new global money transfer solution

Co-operative Bank of Kenya (“Co-op Bank”), a leading financial institution in Kenya and the larger East Africa region, has partnered with Thunes, a cross-border payment provider, to launch an alternative global money transfer solution branded Co-opRemit©.

Co-opRemit streamlines the process of real-time money transfers particularly within Africa, allowing Co-op Bank customers in Kenya to move funds across the world quickly at an affordable rate.

Customers may send money directly to a foreign bank account or mobile number. Money transfers through this platform will bear no extra charge beyond the tariff, thus offering full transparency on forex fees.

The Head of Diaspora Banking at Co-op Bank Pauline Kieme puts pen to paper to sign off the launch of remittance service Co-opRemit, as the Senior Vice President – Africa at cross-border payments company Ms Sandra Yao looks on

With access to Thunes’ fully-integrated global network, Co-op Bank will enhance its digital banking services and deliver a convenient and cost-effective money transfer experience to its customer-base of over 8 million.

Co-opRemit users will be able to access the new money transfer service from channels starting off with any of Co-op Bank’s over 150 branches across the country, and later mobile and internet banking.

“We are delighted to support Co-operative Bank of Kenya in their drive to increase and improve cross-border payment options for their customers. We look forward to expanding their services with real-time, reliable, and convenient payments across the world, and empowering the SME landscape in Africa – two contributions which are key to driving the region’s growth,” said Thunes CEO Peter De Caluwe.

Speaking at the launch, Co-op Bank’s Director Retail & Business Banking Mr. William Ndumia  noted that the new money transfer service would be especially significant for SMEs in Kenya, many of which face remittance challenges stemming from inefficiencies in cross-border payments.

“With Co-opRemit© SMEs, who are one of our key customer segments,  can now look forward to a more efficient trading experience with seamless international payments at affordable rates.”

Step aside, Santa Claus. The allure of new clothes is what made Christmas Day magical….

For kids, the Christmas week is certainly the favorite time of the year.

The usually strict parents loosen up a wee bit. Even the perennial frown on Aunt Jessica softens into occasional beaming smiles. Bedtime is allowed to stretch late into the night curled up on the sofa in pajama’s watching Santa-themed stories on national television.

Snacks? No rationing.

It’s the time to binge on a year’s worth of candy and cake. Speaking of kitchen treats, the menu chart on the kitchen wall showing what’s cooking on what day is ignored for a while – mother goes on overdrive churning up delicious, rare delicacies.

It’s awesome that no one remembers to send you to the study room citing how badly you flopped in last term’s end papers.

It’s a good week to be alive.

What’s more memorable is the family shopping trip to get new clothes. Oddly, most dads keep clear of this errand. It’s usually up mother’s alley. To be sincere, dads mostly keep away from shopping of any kind.

Ha! Ha!

The allure of new clothes would drive us crazy. I mean, we’d get new clothes through most of the year – but, special Christmas Day clothes had this magnetism.

Suppose we’d get them a week or so before D-day, we wouldn’t get much sleep. Most part of every night would be spent trying and re-trying them. It’d force discerning parents to keep them hidden, till the day.

New shoes? It gets hilarious.

If you didn’t spend a night wearing new shoes under covers, your childhood was a boring one, or at best, lackluster.

This year, make the right memories for your kids with a special Christmas Day clothes treat. If matters not how full their closets already are, kids will always go nuts over new stuff. To stay within the guidelines when out shopping in malls, avoid liquid cash when making payments.

Coins and notes are aiding the spread of the pandemic.

Embrace cashless payments.

The Co-op Bank Visa Cards are perfect for these scenarios.

What’s more, cashless payments done with Co-op Visa Cards attract no extra fees – payments are free.

All Christmas shopping – clothes, shoes, gifts, food, fruits, name it – can all be paid for by swiping Co-op Bank Visa Cards at payment points.

This scrapping of payment fees also includes payments at fuel stations, hotel and flight bookings.

This enhances a vibrant, cozier lifestyle as it enhances safety for your money, convenience and clear money management with instant notifications for every transaction.

To learn more about Co-op Bank Visa Cards, visit the nearest bank branch, or check online by clicking here.

What’s the definite Must-Have’s for a memorable road trip with your gang?

Well, road trips are fun for their exploratory nature. A well-planned road trip with a tight circle of friends can be the highlight of the year.

A road trip has a definite ultimate destination in mind, but there may be numerous side trips or unplanned activities along the way. The magic lies in the spontaneity of it.

Make good choice of friends for a road trip – your joy depends on it.

Plan for the essentials.

Essential car tools and accessories, like spare tires, equipped tool boxes with jump cables, tow cables, gas cans, triangle reflectors, et al. It pays off if a member of the gang possesses basic motoring skills.

Travel first aid kit with bandages, burn cream, tweezers, gauze & medical tape, antihistamine, pain relief medicine.

Comfortable backpack capable of holding water bottle, snacks, camera, or other incidentals.

Lots of good music – or whatever favorite past time your gang likes – some may like audio books, podcasts, et al.

A tent, sleeping bag and pad so when you’re driving by somewhere super beautiful you can just pull over and pitch your tent, making the best portable home wherever you find it! Means saving money to be used in booking hotels!

A cooler with lots of drinks – however, in case of alcoholic drinks, be sure to have a designated driver at any point of the road trip – in turns.

Enough bottled drinking water, healthy snacks for the road (granola bars, fruit, nuts, shake mixes) as you don’t want to rely on only junk or roadside fast food.

Quality electronic device car chargers for smart phones, laptops, tablets, etc. as well as headphones for individual listening.

Maps – like, printed maps – not just digital maps, as sometimes devices may go off, or get reset.

Sunglasses, for comfort in case of glair – or for sheer ooze and pomp. Glasses are stylish.

Casual clothing and layered clothing like tees, sweatshirts, rain slicker, and warm jacket if traveling to cold temperature destinations.

Perhaps, the biggest factor lies in the cost factor. A lot of times, road trip groups usually save up for the trip in a central account. It may even take a year or so.

On the duration of the trip, carry along only the essential amount in liquid cash – as protection for hazards of the road – like, robberies. A little cash comes in handy, too, if your car ends up in a ditch and a homely neighbor needs to tow you out with his tractor!

The bulk of the trip savings, though, has to be in a safe place, and yet within reach in times of need.

For cashless payments, Co-op Bank offers a seamless experience through its Visa-branded cards. All kinds of payments foreseeable on a road trip can be made by safely swiping Co-op Bank Visa cards at payment points.

Name it: fuel purchases, hotel bookings, eating at hotels and restaurants, souvenir-shopping…..

Swiping Co-op Bank Visa cards comes at no extra costs.

It’s free, convenient, and safe. It’s also easy to track spending through instant notifications on mobile phone.

To learn more on opportunities availed by Co-op Bank Visa cards, check online by clicking here, or visit the nearest Co-op Bank branch and speak to the staff.

Also Read:

Would you like to become a Co-op Kwa Jirani Agent? It doubles traffic and increases sales at your business premises.

Becoming a banking agent in lots of ways attracts new customers into your business premises. As a business offers banking services, it markets it gainfully markets its brand. This exposure means more clients, thus more sales.

Co-op Kwa Jirani is a grass root banking model meant to align daily banking requirements conveniently to your lifestyle, ran by Co-op Bank.

Co-op Kwa Jirani enables customers to carry out all banking transactions through an agent appointed by the bank.

Co-op Bank’s Agency Banking mostly entails cash deposit taking, cash withdrawals, school fees payments, utility payments, balance enquiry, mini-statements among others. One needs to have an account with Co-operative Bank to work as an agent.

The minimum balance of an agent will be determined by one’s appraisal forwarded to the Co-operative Bank.

Who can use Co-op Kwa Jirani?
Customers, non-customers, SACCO-link members, Co-operatives, MCU customers, SME customers and corporates.

You don’t have to be a Co-op Bank account holder to apply to be an agent.

The baseline requirements:

This is as easy as ABC. At your nearest Co-op Bank branch, fill in an application form and submit the following documents along with the application form:

  • Certificate of good conduct (for the individual)
  • PIN certificate
  • Bank statements if you are not a Co-op Bank account holder
  • Business permits for the last 12 months
  • Current business permit
  • Certificate of registration
  • Copy of ID or equivalent
  • Two passport size photographs
  • Business owners’ or directors’ CVs
  • CBK Form 3 & CBK Form 4 witnessed by Commissioner of Oaths

For corporates and SACCOs, the following additional documents will be required:

  • Audited books of accounts for the last two years
  • Resolution to carry out agency banking
  • SASRA approval for FOSA’s
  • VAT registration (where applicable)
  • The applicable fees to facilitate approval are:
  • CBK application fee – Ksh 1,000
  • Float placement – Determined by customer limit which is arrived at during appraisal

To learn all about Co-op Kwa Jirani visit the online portal, by clicking here. Alternatively, visit the nearest Co-op Bank branch – the bank staff will be ready to actively assist you sort out any queries.


Did you know that a Co-op Kwa Jirani agent offers the exact, same services available at any Co-op Bank branch?

The Co-op Kwa Jirani banking model is meant to suit your lifestyle and offer convenience, by bringing banking services to your door step. There’s absolutely no need to schedule a trip to town to seek banking services at a Co-op Bank branch.

You are a farmer delivering milk to clients in the morning? You can conveniently bank at the local grocery who’s a designated Co-op Bank agent.

Running a busy salon and you hardly got time to visit a bank to deposit cash? Visit the Co-op Kwa Jirani agent next door.

It’s really convenient, and safe.

The pickle on the pie is that Co-op Kwa Jirani agents doesn’t exclusively major on Co-op Bank clients only. The services include clients affiliated with Sacco’s, Fethalink and all Kenswitch-affiliated banks.

What are the services you can access at the local agent?

  • Cash Withdrawals – From Co-op Account / SACCO Account / Fethalink)
  • Cash Deposits – To Co-op Account / SACCO Account / Fethalink)
  • Funds Transfer – To Co-op Account / SACCO Account / Fethalink)
  • School/College/ University Fees payments – client can pay via cash or using a Co-op Visa Card)
  • Utility Bills Payment: KPLC bills, Water bills, Cable TV bills, etc.
  • Account balance checks – Co-op Account, Sacco Link account, and KenSwitch affiliated banks)
  • Account mini-statement – Co-op Account, Sacco Link account, and KenSwitch affiliated banks)

Other Payments that Co-op Bank clients can make at a Co-op Kwa Jirani agent include:

  • NHIF Payments
  • County Payments
  • Other Government Payments e.g. KRA

Is there a limit on the amount you can transact with an agent?

This depends on the transaction in question. Here’s are the parameters:

  • Cash deposits – No limit.
  • Cash withdrawals – Ksh 100,000.
  • School fees payments – No limit.

To learn all about Co-op Kwa Jirani visit the online portal, click here. Alternatively, visit the nearest Co-op Bank branch – the bank staff will be ready to sort out any queries.

Thinking of making merry in the village? You can help build local businesses by shopping locally!

This festive season, a lot of changes are bound to happen.

The ravaging global pandemic hasn’t been kind on so many fronts. The social aspect has been chucked out of the window. There won’t be much clubbing, or hanging out.

Travel options are limited. In any case, the economy is still trying to regain foothold, with many corporates and businesses operating on a breadline budget.

However, one option remains open, and many folks are sure to embrace it – the annual festive season pilgrimage to the rural village.

Well, urban dwellers have this dubious reputation.

After spending an entire year unapologetically snubbing the village, city dwellers pick the festive season to swoop down in droves to atone for their absence. To their credit, they do in pomp and style.

There’s the trademark mall-branded shopping bags from the city. In the village, these shopping bags are usually a fashion-statement.

The bags are laden with the usual household goods – a few packets of maize and wheat flour, a can of cooking oil, perhaps a pack or two of the popular Pishori rice… It gets boring pretty fast!

The adventurous urban will throw in a pizza or a couple of hamburgers to confuse their cousins in the village.

Now, here comes the twist.

Once the festive holidays comes to a close, the urban dwellers return to the city laden with twice or thrice the bounty they brought! Yes, it’s a trending joke, but it’s real!

All this is acceptable, after all, home is always best. And, this is what defines best.

What’s mildly not acceptable this year, is shopping in the city for basic household goods, hundreds of kilometers from the village.

I mean, this is the time to build your village. Bring the money to the village. Help support the hustle of your kin trying to make ends meet with businesses in the local market center.

Make a difference in your village with a much-needed influx of income into local businesses. After all, the maize flour on shelves in city malls is the same flour on display at your neighbor’s kiosk. Boost them, they’ll appreciate your presence more.

To enable this, banking is now available on a grassroots level.

Co-op Bank has established a unique grass root banking experience through its Co-op Kwa Jirani model that mirrors banking in conventional banking halls.

At Co-op Kwa Jirani, one can make instant cash withdrawals and deposits from Co-op Bank account, SACCO Account or Fethalink.

It also allows easy funds transfers.

Co-op Kwa Jirani is a convenient and simple banking model that suits your lifestyle and greatly avails convenience.

This festive season, access banking services at your local Co-op Kwa Jirani outlet – and boost your neighbor’s business by shopping locally!

Also Read:

Blind Dates: What tips the balance between ‘fun’ and ‘a total disaster’?

What do you need to know when meeting someone on a blind date?

Social Intelligence

This translates to the ability to know what should and should not be said in a social setting – especially someone you are meeting for the first time. An example of a really daft statement:

“If you want to date me, don’t you think you should lose some weight?”

It doesn’t matter how much chemistry you had developed, this kind of insensitivity is an instant killjoy. Not only are you trying to change someone you just met, but you also portray a narcissistic streak in you.

Discard Stereotypes

Sometimes, one’s background may unconsciously breed stereotypic opinions on matters like religion, women, ways of life, etc. Be cognizant of your date’s inclinations, and do not rush to offer opinions on how they should be, or live.

Like, an idiot may tell a lady date:

“As my wife, your clothes need to be a little looser”.

“I know you’ve been working for years in your career, but I prefer that my wife doesn’t work”.

If that date lasts to the end – she’ll block your number.

A file image of a table set for a romantic date.

Trust your instincts

What’s your first impression of your date? Are they neat and tidy – clothes doesn’t need to be classy – but do they seem like they made an effort to look good?

Does your date give mixed signals? Like, one minute they are talking about kids, and the next they are saying how having kids ‘ties one down’?

The ‘Tell Me about Yourself’ line.

This is an open noose, and people often crucify themselves. It’s literally stumbling and falling headfirst into your mouth!

Do not be tempted to tell every bad thing you could think about yourself. Do not let your date nudge you, if they say: “so as to have no surprises later”. It’s a trap.

Do not show off your impressive porn collection in your phone.

Forget that whimsical weekend drinking binge you often indulge in with your friends.

Basic Mannerisms

This is hard to crack, and weirdly, it’s basically who we are when no one’s looking. Show less enthusiasm, and cultivate restrain during conversation.

If the man says something funny, do not shout: “Shut the f*** up!” No matter the chemistry, this is not your neighbor whom you’ve known for decades.

The Ex-Factor

Ignore your ex, no matter how fond or distasteful their memories are. It shows insecurity, if one rattles on and on about their ex. The psycho’s will sometimes call their exes to gloat over a new catch – YOU.


Money issues

A definite red flag is when your date asks at your first dinner how much money you make. That screams gold-digger, or a materialistic person. Love comes last.

Personal security

The basic rule is arrange a blind date in a public place. This can be a restaurant, a nature walk in a busy public park or beach. Reject suggestions to meet in homes or cars.

If possible, you can arrange for a trusted friend to hang out nearby as you make first contact. After you are comfortable with the date, you can give a pre-arranged ‘Am Safe’ signal.

Avoid expensive jewelry or accessories. Leave the Rolex at home.

It’s also important to avoid cash, as most decent restaurants have cashless means of payments.

Digital banking has made this easy.

Introducing the Co-op Bank e-Commerce platform.

Co-op Bank e-Commerce platform allows the use of mobile phones or personal computers to access Co-op Bank accounts.

Do not be stingy, offer to share dinner expenses – swipe your Co-op Visa Card at the restaurant’s PDQ/POS machine.

To learn more, click here to check online for the Co-op Bank e-Commerce platform, or visit the nearest Co-op Bank branch.

Also Read:

DT Dobie and Co-op Bank jointly launch a 95% financing scheme for Mercedes Benz buses

DT Dobie and Co-op Bank have entered into a strategic financing partnership worth Kes 1 Billion that will enable institutions such as schools, churches, universities and fleet owners to purchase or lease Mercedes-Benz buses.

Customers who qualify for the scheme will have the option to purchase buses with financing of up to 95% or to acquire more units through 100% leasing, for an extended period of up to 60 months.

Chief Commercial Officer Co-op Bank Fleet Africa Leasing Antony Mbau, Co-op Bank’s Director Corporate & Institutional Banking Jacqueline Waithaka and the Finance Director DT Dobie Srinivas Cherevu exchange deal documents after the signing of the Co-op Bank – DT Dobie Mercedes Benz bus deal.

What’s more, to help customers acquire the bus they need with a payment they can afford, schools and colleges can have payments correspond with school terms for easier cash flow management. The scheme is available to both Co-op Bank customers and non-customers who want direct acquisition of the vehicles, or for leasing.

Leasing vehicles has become popular because the customer benefits from improved service by newer vehicles, easy budgeting due to the fixed monthly payments and is protected from inflation.

Co-operative Bank’s leasing arm, Co-op Fleet Africa, tracks and monitors the vehicles, deals with routine administration including maintenance, service and repairs and manages the fleet so that clients can focus on uninterrupted service.

During the launch of the partnership at DT Dobie offices, the DT Dobie Project Manager for Mercedes-Benz Buses Mr. Mathew Mbuko explained that 150 units of MB 917 and the bigger MB 1730 buses will be available for customers to buy or lease. Schools and transport companies will have the option to decide the configuration of buses that suit them ranging from 37 seats to the ultra-luxury coaches.

On behalf of Co-op Bank, the Director of Corporate and Institutional Banking, Mrs. Jacquelyne Waithaka said that the scheme is available to both Co-op Bank customers and non-customers who want direct acquisition of the vehicles, or for leasing, adding

“The bank has made the terms flexible to accommodate MSMEs, Co-operatives, Corporates, Individuals and Farmers, to support them retool their businesses as the economy re-opens.”

Chief Commercial officer Co-op Bank Fleet Africa Leasing Antony Mbau, Co-op Bank’s Dierector Corporate & Institutional Banking Jacqueline Waithaka and the Finance Director DT Dobie Srinivas Cherevu pose with a Mercedes Benz school bus after the signing of the Co-op Bank – DT Dobie Mercedes Benz bus deal.

In the recent years, Mercedes-Benz buses have become a common feature on Kenyan roads. They are NTSA-approved and are built on dedicated bus chassis, their smaller optimized engine saves fuel and they have longer service intervals which decreases downtime.

This means low running time and low fuel consumption. The buses are well engineered and have ABS, a pneumatic brake system and anti-roll bars for improved safety.

They are built on specific bus chassis and are more comfortable thanks to the parabolic springs suspension which gives a softer ride insulated from rough roads and an engine management system which optimizes performance in all sorts of terrains.

Co-op Bank awards Ksh. 5million to trail-blazing winners of the Akili Kali Innovation Challenge

The Co-operative Bank has this morning awarded a total of Kes 5million to the top four fintechs in the just concluded Akili Kali Innovation Challenge.

Of the four winning fintechs, three are operated by Kenyans while the fourth has some foreign interest.

The top four are Chamasoft Ltd, Awamu Kenya Ltd, Herufi Technologies Ltd and Smart Matatu who received Kes 2.75 million, Kes 1million, Kes 750,000 and Kes 500,000 respectively.


The winners were identified following a 5-week co-development program that culminated in an online Demo Day where the shortlisted candidates got an opportunity to showcase their products. The solutions brought forward by the fintechs cut across technologies such as blockchain and AI.

The winning solution – WebSACCO developed by Chamasoft Ltd – will enable smaller SACCOs and Chama’s to automate all their operations through cloud accounting, without having to invest the huge amounts of capital that they would otherwise have required to acquire such ICT systems.

SACCOs that choose to utilize the WebSacco platform will move from manual to paperless systems, and have accurate member data which is updated in real time.

This will have the effect of enabling members of Sacco’s to access financial and other value-added services anywhere, anytime, instead of travelling to a branch to fill forms and go through a lengthy manual process.

The aim of the Akili Kali Innovation Challenge, which was supported by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), is to enable Co-op Bank to identify and collaborate with passionate innovators in building the next generation of financial solutions that are beneficial to the Co-operative Movement and its membership of over 15 million Kenyans.

Speaking at the award ceremony, the CEO of Chamasoft Ltd Mr. Martin Njuguna said,

“I wish to thank Co-op Bank for leading the way in creating opportunities for Kenyan fintechs to develop practical solutions for local organizations. This whole experience was great for us, and we thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the challenge,” adding that all the participating fintechs should remain engaged with the bank, with a view to helping improve the Akili Kali Challenge and to provide mentoring to future participants.

Co-op Bank’s Director of Co-operatives Banking Mr. Vincent Marangu noted that Kenyan co-operatives continue to enjoy vibrant growth, and should therefore take the opportunity and offer valuable services to both existing and potential new members whose demand for more and better services has grown with the digital revolution.

The five fintechs who participated in the Akili Kali Innovation Challenge had been shortlisted from a list of over 500 applicants who responded to a broad call in July 2020.

The 5-week co-development program was based on a co-creation model that involved Saccos and Bank officials to ensure the solutions are user-centred and have a business model that the fintechs can commercialize.

Co-op Bank has a long history of driving the digital transformation agenda for the Co-operative Movement, as can be seen in bank’s launch of other technology-based products in  the last 10 years including Instant issuance of Visa (Saccolink) cards which enable Sacco members to access their funds from any Co-op Bank ATM or agent countrywide, Pesalink transfers through API integration, a Mobile Banking platform, and remote scanning of cheques which gives Sacco’s access to the banking clearing house.

About Chamasoft Ltd

The winner – Chamasoft Ltd – is owned 70% by an indigenous Kenyan IT firm called Digital Missions East Africa that has been operating in the digital solutions space since 2005, and 30% by the CEO and IT professional Martin Njuguna.

Chamasoft Ltd was incorporated in 2005 to focus on development of Business To Business (B2B) solutions such as WebSACCO and has been engaged in projects in various African countries including Kenya, Nigeria and others.


Co-op Bank launches paper-less end-to-end digital account opening as its named ‘2020 Bank of the Year in Kenya’ by the Financial Times of London

The Co-operative Bank of Kenya is delighted to have been named this year’s Bank of The Year in Kenya, in The Ft Banker 2020 Awards run by the Financial Times of London.

The Award Citation says:

“As Co-op Bank implements its digitization strategy plans, it is enjoying gains from increased efficiency and enhanced digital offerings to its customers. Products such as E-credit and MCo-opCash are continually upgraded.”

(L-R) A customer inserts his electronic signature, assisted by the bank team including Sally Waigwa of Co-op House Branch (seated), Director Retail Banking William Ndumia, Director Operations Lydia Rono and Director ICT and Innovation Charles Washika.

Meanwhile, the bank’s digital transformation journey hit a new milestone today, when the bank launched paperless, end-to-end digital opening of accounts by customers.

With this digital account-opening, customers will no longer have to fill account-opening forms. Only the National ID will be required, with the other Know Your Customer (KYC) documents automatically generated by the bank system, which will also confirm and validate the KRA PIN, take clear photos, and enable electronic signatures.

From today, when a customer opens an account, the system will instantly send a text message to the customer, providing details of the account, instantly enabling the customer to transact such as making a cash deposit to the new account via mobile phone.

The Paperless opening of accounts has come in at the right time, when there is need to reduce contact as a result of Covid-19.

It will also do away with bulk of paper work that the customer had to fill, reducing error rates that come with manual interventions.

The Bank of the Year Award by the Financial Times also recognizes the bank’s firm support to customers in coping with the headwinds brought about by the pandemic, with the citation adding:

“While the bank increased its assets by 10.5% and net profits by 12.4% in 2019, unsurprisingly Covid-19 is expected to take its toll on profitability this year. Despite the difficulties during the pandemic, the bank has strongly supported its customers and employees.”

“We continue to actively engage our customers to support them through this period, by re-aligning the servicing of facilities, funding and transactional needs as the situation unfolds. As at the close of the third quarter this year, a total of Kshs. 46 Billion in loans have been restructured to support customers impacted by the pandemic,” said the Co-op Bank Group CEO Dr Gideon Muriuki when releasing this year’s third quarter results, adding, “we have a work-from-home model and has increased the pace of digitization of internal processes and customer touch points.”

The FT Award Citation is available here:

As we usher in fun December in style, what’s your funniest X-mas family story?

Oh, it’s December already.

Suddenly, those memes start to make sense.

“You go out in slippers and shorts to get mandazi for breakfast, and return home at midnight, sloshed and incoherent”.

Yes, this is the month it happens.

For ethical reasons, I couldn’t share the link to this story here – so here’s a copy paste version.

If you look at our family’s photos for Christmas 2016, you’ll notice that in each group photo, there’s always 3 or 4 people yawning.

Uncanny, huh?

Well, my extended family’s tradition is that each of my dad’s sibling hosts the Christmas feast on a rotational basis.

In 2016, we were marking Christmas in Uncle Mutua’s home in Nyali, Mombasa.

He’s the eldest son in my dad’s family. A day or two before X-mas, he’d booked each of his sibling’s family in assorted hotels around Nyali, all within 15 minutes’ drive to his home.

My dad is the second born, and so had been tasked to marshal everyone to keep time on X-mas Day, and have everyone arrive at Uncle Mutua’s home on time.

My Dad had a watch that showed different times for different time zones across the world, a feature he’d enjoy showing off to everyone at dinner.

On that X-mas Day, we still know not what time zone his watch had been set.

He shakes us awake, then calls every other uncle and commands a tentative arrival at the host’s house in quarter of an hour. No questions asked.

When we drive out of the hotel, there’s barely anyone in the street. Not even stray dogs.

Surprisingly, everyone turns up at Uncle Mutua’s drive way – in 15 minutes. Luckily, Mombasa ain’t freezing in December.

We knock at the door at 5:15 AM.

My aunt opens the door, and groggily grunts: “Oh. The family is here.”

Her tone, well, didn’t sound much Christmassy.

Kind of like, “Oh. It’s cancer”.

On every picture that day there are like four people yawning.


All good December stories start with alcohol and fun parties, but in 2020 – that may have to change a bit. The budget has been pretty tight, with little cash flow.

This is the beginning of December, and Christmas is still a few weeks off.

For a memorable time, one doesn’t need to wait for X-mas to have fun, but can slowly start saving for it. One can forgo regular, everyday expenses and save up the amount for the festive weekend.

You can walk to work, and save up the fare. Leave the car at home, and save the fuel money. You can skip weekend nights out, or eating out and save that up.

Digital banking makes this easy.

Introducing the Co-op Bank e-Commerce platform.

Co-op Bank e-Commerce platform allows the use of mobile phones or personal computers to access Co-op Bank accounts through USSD numbers, M-Coop Cash Apps, M-Pesa Pay bill numbers, or the use of Co-op Visa Cards including making payments by swiping at payment points with PDQ/POS machines.

It’s easy to track expenses, credits or debits in real time. It’s fast, safe and convenient. Within moments, one receives account notification messages on mobile phones.

To save up in bits, conveniently use Co-op Bank’s M-Pesa Pay bill number 400200 that allows direct deposits to Co-op bank account.

On the M-Pesa menu, input the Paybill number 400200, then add bank account number on the ‘add account’ section.

To learn more, click here to check online for the Co-op Bank e-Commerce platform, or visit the nearest Co-op Bank branch.


The six must-have personal traits that make a successful entrepreneur

To be an entrepreneur means being comfortable with taking educated risks, in business.

The secret to success is buried in a formula that combines drive, forward momentum and persistence.

Here’s a few personal traits:


This is what drives you. You need a true sense of passion, and belief that the product on offer, or the service you have is what clients want. Passion is infectious – and will rub off on the staff and clients. A business launched without passion will lack the ooze and charisma – clients will not return.


A new venture may need up to a year before visible growth can be seen. Until then, an entrepreneur needs energy and enthusiasm to ride out the bumps. There will be constant errors – but a passionate owner will learn, and rise.

There will be daunting overhead bills, staff problems, cash flow issues. One just needs perseverance.


This uncanny skill makes or breaks a new business.

The ability to understand your prospective client’s minds and visualize self from that angle. That’s how you realize their problems, and understand them. In that way, you can provide a solution – and this is what sells to your clients.

A practical solution to their problems.

Leadership Skills

A start up needs equally motivated staff to run. You need to be a leader – and not just loaded motivational pep-talks, but practical touches.

An entrepreneur has to learn the Art of Delegation.

This is to be cognizant that one cannot possess all the skills and knowledge needed to pursue the vision & mission of a company.

Like, one can have good social skills, but miserable in accounts.


New ventures demand a complete lifestyle change.

Perhaps, one that requires working crazy, long hours. It may mean giving up some aspects of your life, and of those in your circles – vacations, weekends, private cars, etc.

Do you have the wherewithal to grind through long hours at work and lean budgets?

Before the big break, you need stamina to survive a period of intense sacrifice. It pays for one to have a supportive family that shares the vision.

Business skills

Basic understanding of how a business is structured and works is helpful. This is the foundation on which a business sits. Under this, it helps to be a creative problem solver.

To counter this, one has to hire skilled staff, or take the pains to learn the relevant skills, especially on delicate aspects of the business. Say, accounts, or marketing.

Another advisable trick is to align self with established business or financial entities to act as mentors. An entrepreneur learns from the mistakes of others.

In the finance section, for instance, a new start up needs articulate system off keeping books, calculate cash flow and monitor the inventory.

Introducing the Co-op Bank e-Commerce platform,

This robust e-Commerce platform offers a new business a variety of cashless ways to accept payments, or make purchases.

This includes use of mobile phones to access Co-op Bank accounts through USSD numbers, M-Coop Cash Apps, M-Pesa Pay bill numbers, or the use of Co-op Visa Cards, by swiping at payment points with PDQ/POS machines.

It’s easy to track expenses, credits or debits in real time. It’s fast, safe and convenient. Within moments, one receives account notification messages on mobile phones.

To learn more on cashless payments through the Co-op Bank e-Commerce platform, visit the nearest Co-op Bank branch.

Alternatively, check online by clicking here.


Co-op Bank’s 2020 third-quarter Report: Kshs. 13.8 billion profit before tax

For the third quarter of 2020, the Co-operative Bank Group has reported a Ksh13.8 billion profit before tax.

This means a staggering Ksh1.7 billion difference compared to Ksh15.5 billion recorded in the third quarter of 2019.

In a press release from the bank, the 11% drop was attributed to increased Covid-19 related loan loss provisions.

Profit after tax was ksh9.8 billion compared to Ksh10.9 billion in the previous year which represented a 10% drop.

“The group has taken a 90% increase in loan loss provision from Ksh2.1 billion in 2019 to Ksh4 billion in appreciation of the challenges that businesses and households are grappling with from the disruption occasioned by the ongoing pandemic.

“We continue to serve our customers to support them through this period by re-aligning the servicing of facilities, funding and transactional needs as the situation unfolds. As at the close of the third quarter, a total of Ksh46 billion in loans have been restructured to support customers impacted by the pandemic,” the company explained.

The bank’s total assets grew by Ksh70 billion to Ksh510 billion compared to Ksh440.8 billion in the same period in 2019.

Net loans and advances books grew by Ksh15.4 billion from Ksh268.9 billion to 284.2 billion.

Investment in government securities grew by Ksh47.7 billion to Ksh142.3 billion in comparison to ksh94.6 billion in the previous year.

Customer deposits grew by 16% from Ksh322.5 billion to Ksh375.5 billion.

Borrowed funds from development partners decreased by Ksh3.6 billion to Ksh26.2 billion from Ksh29.7 billion in 2019.

Shareholders’ funds grew to Ksh82 billion from Ksh73.9 billion in 2019, enabling the bank to continue pitching for big-ticket deals.

Co-operative Bank’s latest acquisition, Kingdom Bank (previously Jamii Bora), is expected to break even in 2021, banking on its over 444,000 customers in 17 branches.

The Co-operative Bank Group has put in place a proactive mitigation strategy anchored on a strong enterprise risk management framework to enable uninterrupted access to banking services.

“We shall, riding on the unique synergies in the over 15 million-member co-operative movement that is the largest in Africa, continue to pursue a strategic initiative that focuses on resilience and growth in the new normal as the nation focuses on flattening the curve and as vibrancy returns to the economy,” Co-op Bank Group MD Gideon Muriuki concluded.

Building your own home from scratch versus purchasing a finished home from a developer: What’s the wiser choice?

It depends…

The first question is, will you be purchasing directly from a builder or buying the land yourself and building from scratch?

If you’re buying the land and building from scratch, the question becomes how cheaply you can purchase the land and how cost-efficiently you can build the house.

Are you planning to hire a builder? Or are you planning to manage the project yourself and hire your own sub-contractors? If you hire a custom builder, you’ll likely pay more than what it would cost if you managed the project yourself.

If you can manage the project yourself, hiring builders and casuals directly, it’d save you a lot in terms of costs you’d otherwise be paying subcontractors.

In all sense, it’s much cheaper to act as your own builder.

Buying an existing house means you’ve accepted all the choices somebody made for that house, whether you like them all or not.

In building, you have room to adjust initial plans on the go: Like, let’s add a room here while we are at it. Oh, why not have a hot tub? Granite looks better than marble….

Of course, with so much freedom comes the burden of choice.

You need to make thousands of decisions.

If you have lots of prior home-building experience, those decisions will come easy. If not, you’ll struggle with them for endless sleepless nights.

Thankfully, you’ll have plenty of time as you’ll be working your way through those decisions over many months, between 12-30 months would be a typical range to build a home.

Then, once you’ve made your decisions, you’ll start seeing the results.

You hope you’re right on ALL of them. Every mistake or poor decision costs you time, money, and energy. You will find yourself spending countless hours at the job site to try to minimize mistakes and correct poor decisions as quickly as possible.

At the end, you hope to get the home you started with. If you got lucky and got most of your decisions correct, you might finish on time and you’ll be able to save a good 10-20% compared to a finished home.

One of the tricks to make a success out of a building project is have a steadfast financial partner. A financial partner has to have a platform that makes easy cash-flow management and record keeping.

It’s a plus, if the financial partner allows multiple avenues to access and manage savings, make payments – and the versatility for round the clock banking.


Co-op Bank has greatly revamped their e-Commerce platform to assist businesses meet the increased demand from customers in going cashless.

Going cashless has a lot of benefits.

A client has a variety of payment options available. In making purchases for materials, paying staff and keeping records, the Co-op Bank e-Commerce platform allows flexibility, safety and convenience.

There’s several options:

  • Online card payments
  • Lipa Na M-Pesa Till Number
  • M-Pesa Paybill 400200
  • M-Coop Cash

Visit the nearest Co-op Bank branch to learn more on e-Commerce, or check online by clicking here.