Sorry Ladies! KTN’s Hassan Jumaaaaaa Is Officially Off The Market. See The Comely Mommy That Won His Heart (Photos)
Blaring KTN Sport anchor has joined the queue of celebrities waiting to walk down the aisle!
Three celebrities; Avril, Sharon Mundia aka This Is Ess and Sarah Hassan, are expected to exchange vows sometimes this is year and Hassan Jumaa has since joined the bandwagon.
Hassan Jumaa proposed to the apple of his eye and she said a big YES! The KTN sports anchor has been dating his fiancé for two long years.
Hassan dashed to the social media the moment he got the best answer to show off the engagement ring he gave his wife-to-be, Eve Buya.
He however forgot to mention when he would be walking down the aisle with his sweetheart. But most probably the wedding will be in 2016, there is still plenty of time to organize a nice wedo!