Sonko Throws Major Shade At US President Barack Obama
Either Sonko has no idea about Obama’s journey to the pinnacle or he just chose to assume the fact because the things he said about POTUS aren’t true, not at all.
The Nairobi Senator decided to tell Kenyans how he hustled his way to make it in life. But even before Sonko narrated his story, he had to remind his audience to forget about Obama’s success story because according to Sonko, the US President had a ‘lee way’.
“Now, today, let us forget the “Obama” story. Let us hear My story;- the “Sonko story”. My story is a Kenyan story. Forget the American story, because I represent the typical Kenyan man/woman’s life. Folks, the Obama story is not as “muddy” as mine. He went to the best schools, I did not. He had wealthy parents. I dont. He was politically connected. I was not. I am not. He had the best environment to succeed; I never had.” Wrote Sonko in part.
Sonko says Obama went to the best schools, which is true but he NEVER went to the best schools because his parents were rich rather his intelligence got him there.
Obama studied in a dilapidated school in Indonesia when his mother, Ann Dunham, moved to the Asian nation when she got married to Lolo Soetoro.
Sonko says Obama was politically connected which is a pure LIE. The son of ‘nobody’ was trolled during his campaign for presidency and had to rely on funds raised by his supporters to finance his campaign.