Social Media Drama: An Angered Woman Exposes A “Husband Thief On Social Media”

An Angered Woman Exposes A “Husband Thief On Social Media,  is the news on social media today. Apparently, this lady called Glado shiko is reported to be a serial husband snatcher, thriving in the misery of jilted females whose husband fall to her charms as easily as melting chocolate..

 The Wily Seductress, her accuser Claudin Sherrow reports, is:  a one shameless brat and a thief of people’s lovers.she is a mother of three,a sugar mummy and a bitch who will even take photos with your hubby and post them on Facebook. 

The rest of the statement reeked of anger and hurt, of a victim who had lost their significant other to the machinations of the accused. 

Dear ladies and faithful wives,if you see the bitch down here anywhere close to your husband,fiancé or boyfriend u better start shooting in all directions.She is one shameless brat and a thief of people’s lovers.she is a mother of three,a sugar mummy and a bitch who will even take photos with your hubby and post them on Facebook. Shame on you SHIKU GLADO mshushu mzeeeee ,get your own man biiiiiiiitch!!!! Aids is real!!!!


More photos of the lady who has been accused of being a husband snatcher. 


The said lady is yet to respond to the allegations. 








About this writer:

T. Magu