Smooth Face, Big Boobs, Much Slimmer Waist And Big Butt. Curvaceous Socialite Unveils Her 2016 Look (Photos)

Just like any brand, socialites too change their ‘corporate’ image. Curvaceous socialite has undergone metamorphosis and has launched her 2016 image.

Socialite Bridget Achieng has started 2016 with a bang. Her action is a likely indication she’s climbing up the ladder to join a new class of her kind.

Bridget’s hips and waist in particular have been ‘readjusted’. Whereas her waist has gotten slimmer, her hips seem to have enlarged.

The socialite recently disclosed she had parted with Kes. 50,000 to get her waist to slim.

Also Read: Socialite Bridget Achieng Spends Kes 50,000 To Buy Concoction From Tanzanian ‘Doctor’ To Get Rid Of Her Potty And Achieve A Wasp-Like Waist

Her 2016 look is simply yummier. I would give her a 8/10 for the new look. See photos of Bridget’s 2016 look below:





About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere