Who were these skimpy dressed girls giving people free roses and hugs? Nairobians treated to a rare spectacle by hot ladies in tiny miniskirts (Photos)

Were you in town yesterday? Skimpy dressed girls were giving people flowers and hugs as the world marked Valentine’s Day.

Some beautiful ladies dressed in red top and tiny miniskirts yesterday went around Nairobi city centre handing out roses and hugs to Nairobians.

Apparently the sultry ladies were models from a modeling agency dubbed ‘Heels and Wheels Is Africa’. The agency decided show love to matatu drivers and touts, commuters, traffic police officcers etc by handing out free roses and hugs.

Mafisi seemed to be caught unawares by the kind gesture by Heels and Wheels Is Africa, otherwise there would have been chaos in the CBD.

About this writer:

Irari Ngugi

Lover of life, lover of big boobs and certified celebrity squasher. Catch me if you can on facebook as Irari Ngugi