Size 8 Gets The 1st Lady Margaret Kenyatta Dancing Mateke (PHOTO)

It is said that art can have a commoner sitting to sup with kings. That seems to have taken life in the tale of Size 8 who begun life in an unfavourable socio-economic stratum -where she could hardly afford sanitary towels but all that seems to have turned since she gave her life to the Lord her God.

From a wedding to becoming an aunty, to dancing with the wife of president Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta. Aye, she has been cutting a rag with the first lady, the foremost lady in Kenya amongst her peers. And how did she get here? Well, through hard work and giving Satan a kick or two. But seeing as this isn’t a theological debate, I shall quickly proceed to showing you the picture of Size 8 dancing with the first lady:


About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)