Sitawa Wafula Awarded For Her Philanthropy!

Sitawa Wafula an accomplished  poet has been a frontrunner in the bid to educate people on mental illness in a country where people are often prejudiced towards people with the illnesses.

Many at times we have seen people hide their children who have been afflicted by mental illness in a bid to protect them from the judgmental eyes of a society that has many misconceptions about mental health.In the traditional African society mental illness was often viewed as a curse or as God’s punishment for errs.Sitawa has been involved in many projects that educate people about this issue most notably her collaboration with Anto Neo-Soul and a UK based  organization called Basic Needs.

Due to her outstanding involvement in her cause,Sitawa was awarded with the East Africa Youth Philanthropy Award.After the big win Sitawa called her win ‘Amazing…affirming…igniting’ she further elaborated this statement by saying”Amazing = I am delighted my efforts to create awareness about mental health have been recognized, Affirming = I am on the right path and doing it right, Igniting = one thing I can equate to what I envision is when you get born again…you know things have changed in the spiritual and it is up to you to make the physical manifestation happen.”

Congratulations Sitawa on your win and may you keep up the good work!


About this writer:

Sue Watiri