“Shoot Raila Odinga For Once…” MP Calls For The Assassination Of Cord Leader
Political temperatures have hit an all-time high as MPs have resorted to use incitement to curb Cord leader Raila Odinga.
There were lots of tribal incitements over the past weekend. It all started with Raila’s rally in Nakuru which saw Bahati MP Onesmus Kimani Ngunjiri calling for the eviction of Luo community from Nakuru arguing that Luo destroyed property belonging to Kikuyus during recent demos in Kisumu.
That was on Saturday, Sunday had its equal share of drama as controversial Gatundu South MP, Moses Kuria, called for the assassination of Raila Odinga.
Speaking at a Jubilee rally in Kasarani stadium, Kuria said that Raila Odinga should be shot dead adding that Luos will only demonstrate for one week and Kenya will be peaceful thereafter.
“Shoot Raila Odinga For Once and Luos will throw stones for one week and forget him once and for all” Kuria told the audience in his native language.
Watch the clip below:
Moses Kuria has since denied calling for the killing of Raila:
“Some people are masters of disinformation. They said I mentioned the Luo community today. I did not. But they control social media. IG Boinett said anyone who wants to demonstrate needs to give a route and destination of the demo so that police can give protection. As i mentioned in a post yesterday that is very important rest a lone gunman takes advantage and shoots people say for example Raila. That is all i repeated today. When i posted here there were no comments. Finally, I urge all to embrace a balanced diet. Eating fish (Proteins) without balancing with maize (Carbohydrates) is not healthy. Hence my position that people should eat maize” Wrote Moses Kuria.