Shocking! Robert Alai’s Brother Goes Missing After Anonymous Motorist Knocked And Disappeared With Him Along Waiyaki Way

It has been five days since Robert Alai and his family last heard from Tom Alai who went missing along the busy Waiyaki Way.

The blogger has sent out an appeal to the public to help him and his family to trace his lost brother who was kidnapped.

According to Alai, his bro was last seen on Thursday 26th November at Kinoo. Tom Alai was reportedly knocked by a speeding motorist as he crossed Waiyaki Way.

The driver stopped after the accident and picked him in the pretext of rushing him to the hospital only to disappear with him.

Alai says they have tried tracing his brother in Kikuyu, Thogoto, St Teresa, Kiambu, Tigoni and Kenyatta Hospital but they couldn’t find him.

“If you have information about an unidentified patient in an hospital, please get in touch. If you know where Tom is, please get in touch too.

Tom is famously referred to as Josi, Odhiambo or Onyango by those who know him in different circumstances. Please call 0708-677607 if you have any information about where Tom might be.” Wrote Alai.

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Martin Oduor

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