SHOCKING REVELATION: KTN Exposes Security Lapses At The Kenya-Somalia Border And How Al Shabaab Crosses Into The Country Freely…They Even Interviewed One Of Them


12 days after the horrendous and agonizing massacre of 147 people in Garissa University College by Al Shabaab militants, KTN has exposed for the first time how the Kenya-Somalia border is porous and unmanned, allowing killers to tickle in freely from Somalia to carry out their heinous acts on our land.

The expose has once again painted a blurred picture of the jubilee government and how it has failed to take care of its citizens who entirely depend on President Uhuru Kenyatta for safety.

Yes, security starts with you and me but here, after the expose, you will definitely agree that security should be given by the government.

KTN’s Wellington Nyongesa and Asher Mwilu traversed the Mandera region, a region that has been preyed and ravaged by Al Shabaab killers who infiltrate into the country, kill and flee.

The two went ahead to establish how Al Shabaab found their way into the Kenyan territories and it was here that the truth manifested itself.

The Kenya-Somalia border is unmanned and when it is, the police officers who do so only stay for a few hours and leave because of the poor conditions they live in.

Funny enough, Somalis cross the border when and as they want without undergoing necessary checks because police do not have proper equipment to carry out the checks.

And the duo went ahead to find one of the many Al Shabaab militants in Mandera and had an interview with him. He revealed that in Mandera alone there are more than 120 Al Shabaab militants who have special training to kill at will.

These shocking revelations were revealed before the Garissa attack which left 147 students dead.






About this writer:

Edward Chweya