Shock As MP Exposes Sex Toys That Devolution Ministry Bought That Weren’t Made Public (Photos)

The public only heard of the 1.7 million touch screen, 1.4 million photocopier, 18 tailor-made clear male and female condom dispensers at Kes 25,000 each, among other stuff Devolution Ministry bought at unreasonably high price. But there is more…

Vexed Kenyans are demanding the immediate resignation of Devolution Cabinet Secretary, Anne Waiguru, after Public Accounts Committee discovered her ministry inflated prices of commodities they acquired at outrageous figures.

For instance, the Ministry bought CorelDraw software for Kes 3.4 million, a computer and personal laptop for kes 1.1 million and carpets at Sh3.8 million.

Apparently the Ministry also bought sex toys. I wonder who was to use them. Nominated MP, Isaac Mwaura, has exposed the sex toys Devolution Ministry purchased.

The legislator revealed documents showing Waiguru’s Ministry bought male penile vibration at Kes 2400 and female venial vibration at Kes 3800.

“Fellow Kenyans. These people at the ministry of devolution also bought a male penile vibration at kshs 2400 and a female venial vibration at kshs 3800. This country has sunk this low really. This is according to documents the PS in that ministry has given to PAC.” Wrote Mwaura.



Hon. Isaac Mwaura

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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere