Shock and Confusion As A Kenyan Man Changes His Gender! (photos)

They say, in well written quote books (which you can buy at whatever book store) that “A man with all his right senses functioning at more than 95 percent shall be left to his antics, such and such a man shall be left to follow whatever sails his boats” – I actually made that quote up. The Information I’m about to share with you will bamboozle you if not totally confound you. 

 If you haven’t read about Jaffar Jackson, I suggest you educate yourself here: Jaffar Jackson Unmasked; He Talks Matters Sexuality,His Life And Most Importantly, Why He Dresses Like a Woman

This is the man ladies and gentlemen who has decided to live like a woman (from today) by saying : “Feeling like I have been living in the wrong body for as long as I can remember. Finally decided to open up to the word! ‪#‎Transitioning#” Following the world shattering piece of news about Kaitylyn Jenner who finally become a woman after living entombed in the wrong body for 65 years. 

Jaffar Jackson is done with living trapped in the wrong body and is now changing his gender. This comes hot at the wake of news about Gay rights that have nearly split the country asunder with varied opinions from leaders and citizens. 

Below are photos that the said shared on his Social media. 

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Here is the update that he shared on his social media 


About this writer:

T. Magu