Sexiest Female Cop Lays It Bare On The Issue Of Walking Around In Public Places Without Wearing Panties

She has been making headlines on countless news outlets ever since her photos surfaced online. Emma Brenda Wanjiru is one of the sexiest ladies in uniform!

Kenya police has so many flat-bottomed stone-faced ladies in its service that when a pretty lass is spotted in uniform, she causes a frenzy.

Also Read: 15 Incredibly Hot Policewomen In The Kenyan Armed Forces Who Ought To Have Pursued Other Lucrative Careers (Photos)

Now that Brenda is a sensation, Ghafla caught up with her to find out whether she subscribes to celebrity norms..

One which is particularly popular is that of women rocking skimpy costumes and walking around without wearing panties. So we asked Emma if she loves leaving her nether regions exposed to fresh air.

She was completely baffled, she couldn’t quite figure it out how women managed to do it.

Ghafla!: Do you walk around without panties?

Brenda: NO! NO! Zii! Na Ukigongwa na gari na hio nguo iraruke?? (Laughs hysterically) Then what?

About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere