Self Appointed King Of The Bling, CMB Prezzo Reveals Who Inspires His “Gangsta Lifestlye”
I called him the Don a few days ago. I finished my discourse by calling him the true Kenyan G. The real MVP
CMB Prezzo stays relevant all the time, like the true entertainer- he is never pressed to release songs every fortnight in order to stay in touch with reality or his fans like some commoners we know. That is why he still fancies himself as the #Rapcellency or subtly put- Prezzo is still the Kenyan rap- genius.
Today on an update he revealed where his recent motivation is stemming from. He wrote:
prezzo254: Watch me build this empire like Lucious #Rapcellency #TrulyUnruly
He looks up to to Lucious Lyon of the Empire Fame and has vowed to build his Empire just like Lucious. So if you thought you were the only one watching the fox Tv Series, you might want to include his rapcellency into that picture.