Sauti Sol Go Back To School And Come Up With An Even Crazier Version Of Shake Your Bam Bam (Video)

Sauti Sol always finds a way to come up with something to keep their fans interested.

Their promotional strategies are second to none and their antics are followed as much as their song and video releases. Take for instance their recent act in which they were joined by the equally crazy Jeff Mote.

They decided to do a poetic rendition of their songs in a hilarious choral verse recital. Dressed in costume and acting in character of some rural school kids, the band mixed the comical with the serious. Here is the video of their performance



My Story with Jeff Mote

Ladies and gentlemen, here to present to you a poem entitled SHAKE YO BAM BAM! SOMA SOMA Initiative #MyStoryWithJeffMote

Posted by Sautisol on Sunday, March 13, 2016

About this writer:

Liatema Munyu