Sauti Sol Finally Respond To Allegations That They Stole A Song

Last week, there were allegations made by an upcoming artist who claimed that Sauti Sol, one of Kenya’s most beloved groups had stolen his song. And the lad who goes by the stage name Parroty went further than just to allege, he went on to furnish us with his evidence of the same claim.


The artist whose government names are Simon Mandela Murunda but who goes by the stage name Parroty claims that on an off chance, he got to meet Polycarp of Sauti Sol after giving him a ride in his car and from there they begun talking about music and the entertainment industry by and large.
He then allegedly played for Polycarp the track but to his shock and dismay, he heard similar instrumentals on their new release called “Sura Yako“.

I finally got a hold of Sauti Sol’s P.R manager and may I say that she is quite fetching! She has this ethnic beauty going on that oh my word, I find quite irresistible but I digress. Anyway, Anyiko (that’s her name) told me that they (Sauti Sol) genuinely do not kjnow who Parroty is.

I had to worm out alot more than that from her so she said that while she was indeed aware of Parroty but that’s because she has been talking to him about the possiblity of interviewing him on her show Grapevine. Other than that, Sauti Sol has never had contact with the lad.

I don’t even know how someone can claim that we stole Chakacha. It is a Kenyan genre! What next? Did we steal sheng or Swahili?


About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)