Saturday Seduction! This Is Why Langata Is The Place To Be This Weekend

Seasoned Nairobi revelers are well too familiar with Langata’s ultimate partying destination, Rafikiz Bar & Lounge.

For those that don’t, Rafikiz Bar & Lounge is the entertainment hotspot that brings you the Mid-month seduction.

Mid-month seduction is a gig that has been sponsored by the finest American liquor whiskey brand, Southern Comfort, which will be happening this coming Saturday the 19th September 2015.

Talk of Southern Comfort, a bottle of the whiskey will be retailing at Kes 3,500 at Rafikiz.

Organizers of Mid-Month Seduction have lined up the finest mix masters for you just to make sure you get the right doze of music as you party.

DJ Ragekenya and DJ Ragos will be on the decks to feed you with the perfect blend of music.

Come with a friend and experience the Rafikiz Mid-Month Seduction!

About this writer:

Sheila Kanja