Sarakasi Trust Pushes SawaSawa Festival From June To December!
There’s a festival that Sarakasi Trust has run since 2002. The festival is called Sawasawa festival!
The objective of the event is to develop audiences, bring profile and exposure to Kenyan artists. It also helps to build capacity, in the area of cultural entrepreneurship and festival production. Well this year’s Sawasawa festival, has been pushed from June to December. However since Kenya is celebrating its Jubilee (50 Years of independence), the organizers have moved the Festival to December. From inception, the festival takes place around the Madaraka weekend in June.
Sarakasi Trust, aims to create a unique festival with an African identity, appealing to the Kenyan public at large. Sawa Sawa festival seeks to promote and stage the performing arts, through platforms like workshops, exchanges between local and international artistes, technical skill and cultural sharing workshops. Others include community building (theme) activities, jam sessions/studio recordings, media activations and the multi stage multi day concerts. Past Sawa Sawa Festival attracts audiences of over 100,000 people. They apologize for any inconvenience. Now you know.