The sad story of a 5 year old boy from a village in Uhuru’s backyard who is struggling for his life after his female teacher pressed his private parts with a biro pen lid

Corporal punishment might have been banned in school but clearly the memo never made it to Mataara, a village in Gatundu North which is not so far from Uhuru’s home.

As narrated by Anishi Mwangi, a little 5 year old boy is bundled up in a hospital and this is after his female teacher did the despicable on him.

As a form of punishment (who even punishes a 5 year old) the teacher used a biro pen to press his private parts which in turn affected his normal body functions. As I write this, the boy can’t pass urine normally which has messed up his kidneys.

Actually, the hospital he’s in; St. Mulumba in Thika has recommended that they boy be taken to Kenyatta hospital for specialized treatment.

Here is the harrowing story of a small boy who was just trying to be that, a boy:

I want to share a sad story of a 5 years old boy who’s life might have been changed completely by his teacher…the boy is currently in hospital st mulumba in thika..His face and hands are swollen; he had to be operated on his private parts due to injuries caused by her female teacher at a school in Gatundu North..she used kifuniko ya pen kumfinya nayo .he couldn’t pass urine the first few days after the teacher caused those injuries and that made his kidneys get affected…now the doctors says he has to be transffered to Kenyatta hospital as it seems the kidneys are not getting better….what should be done to such make it worse..teachers in that school are telling other pupils ati siku hizi wakiguzwa kidogo wanakimbishwa hospitali kutahilishwa..i feel for the mum also who doesnt even know how to start paying for the hospital bill.. school name Mataara primary .

About this writer:

Irari Ngugi

Lover of life, lover of big boobs and certified celebrity squasher. Catch me if you can on facebook as Irari Ngugi