Sad: Size 8 Reveals Why She Didn’t Want a C-Section Birth And Why She Didn’t Immediately Celebrate the Birth of Her Daughter

Size 8 gave birth late last November to a bouncing baby girl, Ladasha Belle. So much happened during her delivery period that one can’t help but wonder how she triumphed over her tribulations.

Last Friday night, gospel songbird, Size 8, had a date with the beautiful Lillian Muli on Citizen TV’s ‘One On One’.

The ‘Afadhali Yesu’ hit maker shed light on what transpired the day she gave birth to her daughter… It’s painful for any mother to undergo what befell Size 8.

She told Lillian she wanted to deliver her baby through the normal way but her pregnancy had complications and she was forced to deliver through cesarean section.

Size 8 revealed her baby’s umbilical cord had twined around her baby’s neck therefore she couldn’t have normal delivery.

Doctors successfully operated on her to deliver her daughter but then again bad news struck the singer hours after going under the knife.

Size 8 was told her mother had passed on. Her mother who was suffering from kidney disease succumbed hours after she gave birth to baby Belle.

The gospel singer says she didn’t know whether to celebrate her baby’s birth or mourn her mother’s death.

“It was a whole lot of drama. I wanted to give birth normally nkaambiwa CS mtoi ametoka it was an emergency, and then mtoto underweight then immediately after I have gotten through all that then am told my mum had died. I couldn’t mourn my mum, I couldn’t be happy for my baby. Let me just be honest, I went blank. I went blank because I didn’t know if I mourn my mum that means I am not happy for my baby. If am happy for my baby I wouldn’t mourn my mom. So it’s like am choosing one person and taking the other one… so I was blank.” Revealed Size 8.

Size 8 didn’t attend her mother’s burial as she was still nursing surgery wound plus her baby was underweight, she needed round the clock attention.

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Martin Oduor

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