Sad: Class 7 Pupil In Eldoret Battered Severely Over Love Affair With A Class 8 Girl (Photos)
A 12-year-old primary school pupil has been left with scars on his body that would perhaps never fade away, all because of love!!
Is it that some teachers are illiterate or they just love ignoring the fact that government banned corporal punishment ages ago??
Just late last February, three fully grown male teachers were caught on camera ruthlessly caning female students at Kavenye Girls’ High School.
Another case of corporal punishment was recently reported in Eldoret but this time round the victim was only a 12 year old boy.
Dunderhead teacher David Webwe used a wire to whip Samuel Mburu after he found out that the class 7 pupil had written a love letter to a class 8 girl.
David Webwe
The incident happened at JoyMax Academy, a boarding school in Huruma Estate in Eldoret town. The teacher inflicted some serious injuries on the boy’s body.
Scars were visible on Samuel’s neck, back and buttocks. The school tried to cover up the story treating the matter with discretion but word got out and the media blew up the story.
Credit: NTV