Sad And Shocking! 5 Students Die As Their New Bus Overturn While They Were Having Their Launching Ride (Graphic Photos)
The road carnage across the country has been claiming lives at such a rate it is quickly and unfortunately becoming an accepted normalcy.
However, some accidents due to their recklessness, fatality and overall nature jolt us to the reality that we are just watching lives cut short by mostly things we can prevent. This is the case of this morning’s accident that happened in Kisii County. Students of St Mary’s Nyamagwa Secondary school were celebrating their new bus having just launched it and they got to have a first time ride.
At least five students have been confirmed dead and 60 other seriously injured. The bus overturned severally near Nyambunde along the Kisii-Kilgoris road. Several students have been sent to Kisii Teaching and Referral hospital.